Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

City life is very stressful. It's the traffic, the pressure at work, the concern for the children, taking care of the house... So, who has never thought about taking a weekend or a longer holiday and getting away from all this hustle? Practicing meditation or going to a yoga retreat is a good alternative. However, although we have several options in España, this activity is still little known here.

If you are interested in seeking a means of spiritual retreat, you should first consider some details. For example, most of these retreats are concentrated in countryside cities, with a lot of nature and several options for tourism. In addition, most activities start early, around 5 am, which can be a big problem for the lazy ones.

The preference for this time has an explanation. According to experts, this is the time when individuals are most susceptible to meditation, in addition to being considered a more pure, quiet and clean time.

Another fact to consider is the average cost of accommodation, location and food. In general, a weekend like this costs around R$ 600 per person. But it is possible to find places where it is possible to share rooms, so the daily rate can be divided between guests.

Each retreat has its rules. So, before boarding yours, check the rules and don't be embarrassed.

Option 1: Santa Catarina – Campo Alegre

Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

In the city of Campo Alegre, in Santa Catarina, is located the Chácara Shanti Gaia, which every year promotes retreats, yoga practices, workshops and courses on the balance of mind and body.

There are also accommodation options, visitors can be received when there are no events being held on weekends. There are three triple rooms and six double rooms.

Option 2: Paraná – Quatro Barras

Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

In the metropolitan region of Curitiba, more precisely in the city of Quatro Barras, the Vidya Yoga space offers retreats and courses on this practice, which range from healthier, vegan food to lectures on mantras that help reduce stress.

During the Carnival holiday, the space also holds the traditional Detoxification Retreat at its headquarters, where it is possible to obtain advice, consultations, as well as meditate and rest.

Option 3: Santa Catarina – Florianópolis

Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

In FlorianĂłpolis, a good option for the Zen practice of yoga is the Centro de Ivengar Yoga. The space offers courses and retreats, as well as studies on sacred scriptures and classes in Asanas and Pranayamas.

A novelty is that children are welcome here. In addition, the center offers visitors options for trips to the lagoon or the beach.

Option 4: Minas Gerais – Soledad de Minas

Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

In the city of Soledad de Minas, in Serra da Mantiqueira, there is the Ashram Yoga Divine Center space, where guests are invited to seek the elevation of their spirit, through exercises of silence and interiorization.

Option 5: Goiás – Alto Paraíso

Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

In Chapada dos Veadeiros, in the city of Alto Paraíso, is located the Paraíso dos Pândavas retreat, where meditation techniques, mantra chanting, yoga practices are offered, as well as waterfall baths and nature trails. Information and values ​​can be found on the website.

Option 6: Costa Rica – Portalón

Eight zen destinations for yoga practice

The community of PortalĂłn, in Costa Rica, is a good option for those who want to practice yoga and can pay a little more. The retreat receives tourists from all over the world, and in addition to emphasizing meditation, it gives tips on tours through one of the wildest regions of this place.

Option 7: Indonesia – Bali

Eight zen destinations for yoga practiceIn Indonesia, on the island of Bali, the Yoga Barn center is located, which is a great option for visitors who want to know beautiful places and enjoy a totally relaxing vacation. The center offers, seven days a week, eight daily classes and courses on yoga.

Option 8: France – Neuville au Bois

Eight zen destinations for yoga practiceClose to Paris, in Neuville au Bois, we find a place that is fully dedicated to the Zen practice of meditation and yoga, the ChatĂŞau du Yoga Sivanandae. The destination also offers visits to tourist attractions in the city, such as the Loire castle, and bicycle tours.

Text written by Flávia Faria from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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