Documentary “It Exists” tells the story of Sri Prem Baba

    Have you ever heard of Janderson Fernandes de Oliveira? No? And Sri Prem Baba? This name sounds more familiar to you, doesn't it? Sri Prem Baba is a well-known Spanish guru in the country and even abroad. He has numerous followers and among them even celebrities like Marcio Garcia, Bruna Lombardi and Reinaldo Gianecchini.

    Sri Prem Baba was a psychologist who became a master of Hinduism at a spiritual center in the Indian countryside. He studied psychology at the Centro Universitário Paulistano, in Vila Mariana, in São Paulo.

    Known as the guru of love and for talking about so many everyday subjects with such tranquility – as if we were going to hear an answer at every word – the guru of love was the protagonist of his documentary that premiered last year, 'This Exists', and which is available on Youtube for free to watch.

    It Exists – documentary

    Documentary “It Exists” tells the story of Sri Prem BabaFor those who want to know more about the life of Sri Prem Baba, from this documentary, it is possible to hear his steps, from his first Yoga practice, when he heard an internal message saying: "When you turn 33, come to India, to Rishikesh.”. But he didn't give it much importance and went on with his life, studying, working, putting into practice alternative therapies.

    He was always looking for answers to his doubts and everyday experiences failed to calm him down. Something was missing. So, at the age of 33, he combined the useful with the pleasant. He took advantage of the honeymoon and went to India. And the way it all happened is told by Sri Prem Baba in the documentary. We can check out his personal story and also from friends and other practitioners and devotees talking about the transformation in their lives from the experience and teaching with Sri Prem Baba.

    journey of the soul

    For those who want to know more about Sri Prem Baba's life and experience through the documentary “This Exists”, it is possible. It is even possible for you to make some relationships with your own life. The very phrase 'it exists' is profound and charged with emotion and truth.

    Documentary “It Exists” tells the story of Sri Prem BabaHow many times do we experience something and, deep down, we try to ask ourselves or even say “this exists”? There are good things, some things that cannot be explained, others we seek and find, but above all, there are individuals in search of challenges and solutions about the
    journey of the soul, or rather, the journey of life.

    Sri Prem Baba is now divided between India and Spain, where he participates in retreats and gives lectures. Some attract a real crowd

    to listen to his teachings. Everyone is intertwined in the search for the experience of life and contact with something greater, but this is only possible if we allow ourselves!

    Excerpt from Sri Prem Baba at a Satsang, held in India. “At some point, this ability to forgive and love needs to be enlightened. At some point, you're going to have to let go of the blame game, because it's the blame that makes your heart shut down. If the heart is closed, go investigate and you will find the accusation. Sometimes this accusation is so ingrained, you're so addicted to this game that you don't even realize it. You do it mechanically. If there is an accusation, there is a comparison. And comparison and judgment open the gates of hell. Then you end up really waking up your lower nature. So you lose the silence, you lose the love that has been conquered.”

    Link to the documentary "That Exists".

    Written by Angelica Weise of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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