Do you have good memories of life or painful memories?

(December 26- Remembrance Day) 

Remembrance is an expression, which in Latin means in memoriam. It refers to the idea of โ€‹โ€‹a fact, or of a person that was important, and that, for this reason, the memory preserves. Memories are very important to us, because they bring the story of who we are, and what we live. 

Memories are good when they refer us to good things, joy, happiness, peace, tranquility, love. Everything that escapes this rule may represent, to a greater or lesser degree, some type of pathology. 

Remembrance is something so important that it gained an exclusive day, December 26. Who doesn't remember an important day, which positively marked his life, good times he lived in childhood or adolescence. That D-day, when you started driving, conquered a new position in the job market, or when you entered college. From the smell of cake coming out of the oven at grandma's house, from a date in the park, or from that unique day, which marked his life as his first kiss, a graduation, a surprise birthday party, a wedding. 

Do you have good memories of life or painful memories?

In short, remembrance day should be used for this and not for us to think about the mourning of those who are gone, something that usually happens.. Remembering people who have positively marked our lives, a friend you haven't seen for a long time, situations that give you a feeling of pleasure. But that does not always happen. Most of the time, we tend to give too much space in our lives to memories that have negatively marked us. And linked to them we bring an attachment to what was negative. With that in mind, I wrote this text, to talk a little about how bad memories can stop our life, our own history, our evolution. 

There are problems with cultivating bad memories, they are all the time, unconsciously directing our decisions and actions, determining the paths to follow. Yes, they are deciding for you, even if you don't realize it. Conscious memories are challenging but easy to deal with as you have access to them. The unconscious ones don't. In psychoanalysis, we study how the unconscious interferes, and we know that it has immense driving power. And, while you don't realize it, you are guided by him, and by the memories he collected during his life, more precisely the ones that caused him some kind of pain. Want to know if this is bad?

It sucks! 

Because the memories that are there in your unconscious are things you couldn't deal with, and that's why they were thrown into this instance of the mind. It's like the dirt thrown under the rug. It usually wreaks havoc, because if it ended up there, it's because you couldn't handle it. That's where our beliefs are embedded, right next to bad memories. DI would say they are close friends. And as Jung said, a belief is just a belief, and despite having strength, and dominance over those who carry it, it has little or nothing to do with reality.

Do you have good memories of life or painful memories?

โ€œA belief only proves the existence of the 'belief phenomenon', but in no way the reality of its content.โ€

-Jung, in Memories, Dreams and Reflections

I want to propose to you, today, that you put aside the bad memories that cause you pain, discomfort and sadness, and turn your gaze to your present. Look around, and notice how much beauty and abundance there is in the present moment, and in the world around you. And if you still can't see that, watch your breathing for a second. It exists independently of your will. It is a gift to be able to breathe. Your breath happens naturally, every moment, it is a wonderful gift, which is given to you every second. Want to see? Try to stop breathing. Got? Certainly not. This present only ends when the breath of life ends.

Watch now the clouds in the sky, the grains of sand on the earth, in the universe everything is an absolute presence of abundance and joy. And yes, everything is renewed with each new moment, and with each new day. Nature is happy because it follows its course and does not cling to the past. Learn from her to continue freeing yourself from everything that no longer serves you.

On the day of remembrance I want to leave you a word that I love!

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Carpem Diem, is an expression that says: seize the day! But not just anyway, and yes, to the fullest! Make the most of today. Absorbing what happens in the now, in this present moment. Not expecting much from tomorrow. For in reality, what is tomorrow if not an endless emptiness. Let's go there, make a letter with all these bad memories you still keep in your heart? Get it out, break free? Don't be afraid to let go of what no longer serves you. let go!

Do you have good memories of life or painful memories?

Today is enough for today, and nothing more. Carpem Diem, is a word of extreme power, because it brings us the most important memory of all memories, that life is short, and for this reason it should be lived in a unique and extraordinary way.

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