Digital inclusion in the elderly: elderly people are increasingly using the internet in Spain

There is an increasing number of elderly users active in the digital universe. The internet has become a means of communication to help overcome loneliness or complement our daily lives. It is a new form of distraction, communication and learning. A new world that has opened new doors for those who have more time to explore it, but often fail to do so. However, this experience is not always positive. The negative side also overshadows its use, but if everything is done with caution, there will be no problems.

The elderly no longer have the same occupations and, when they retire, they end up having free time that they never had in their entire lives, a fact that can also bring sadness and a feeling of loneliness. However, the main benefit of the internet is the distraction that, if well managed, can contribute to mental health.

As a process of neuroplasticity, the internet helps to stimulate the memory of the elderly and reduce the number of forgetfulness. Working on the computer and surfing the web contributes to a decrease in the risk of dementia by up to 40% and the risk of depression by 30% for elderly people who maintain contact with others on social networks.

The internet has become a virtual company with a multitude of functions. Every discovery is a learning experience.

“Distracting yourself with fun activities, which include interactive games and videos, helps with knowledge and balance. In addition, it helps to distract the mind from loneliness through interactions and to keep abreast of events. Taking physical activity classes without leaving home, taking online courses for better learning, help to pass the time. For example: learning to cook and practice recipes in the kitchen, listening to songs from his old collections and remembering the good old times”, explains psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu.

Digital inclusion in the elderly: elderly people are increasingly using the internet in Spain
Retha Ferguson / Pexels

However, not everything is rosy in the virtual world. There are many dangers lurking to attack the most gullible and unsuspecting.

The vulnerability of an elderly person in a social network is due to the fragility of dealing with this new and unknown world. The fact of being virtual gives the false sensation that nothing negative can happen. In old age, problems are managed differently. The ability or willingness to resolve them is no longer the same.

Another negative aspect is the emergence of an exaggerated dependence on the internet. Convenience can create a detachment from other experiences that a person could enjoy when leaving home.

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Exaggeration can be harmful, generate anxiety and stress that can cause panic syndrome and even depression. It is important to avoid subjects that bring up negative thoughts or irritability. It is crucial that the internet is used for leisure and to acquire knowledge, always maintaining a balance.

In social networks, users should not expose their personal life. In addition, it is important to express your opinion clearly so as not to be misunderstood or attacked. For our safety, we must never expose our phone number, address and photos that show the details of our home. The ideal is to have a friend-only account and block strangers, so it is recommended not to accept friend requests from strangers.

But the recommendations don't stop there.

Elderly people are the main target of internet scams, especially with regard to banks. It is necessary to advise that banks do not communicate with their customers over the internet. No data should be requested online. This should only be done at bank branches directly with a manager or attendant.

If many young people fall for scams on online shopping sites, imagine the elderly who are still adapting to the internet age. It is not safe to buy from websites of untrusted and unknown brands. In addition, it is important to evaluate the security details of the portal where you are making a purchase. It is advisable to check the complaints websites if there are many complaints about the store in question.

As far as messaging apps are concerned, we must also be careful.

Digital inclusion in the elderly: elderly people are increasingly using the internet in Spain
Andrea Piacquadio / 123rf

Pay attention to WhatsApp messages. We must not click on sent links, let alone inform or pass on personal data. Any banking-related matter should be dealt with directly with the respective bank, in person. For email or app-related issues, you'll need to contact the app's company. If someone calls on behalf of a company, we must hang up immediately and contact the company to confirm that it was really the one who called you.

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