Crystals for Abundance – three crystals to help us create a more prosperous life

On my last trip to Manaus to give some courses, lectures and consultations with Cristaloterapia, I decided to create a lecture on the theme of Abundance and Prosperity. This was a desire I had for a few years, since I received material on the same subject, which was a transcript of a lecture by my teacher Antônio Duncan, even before I met him.

I decided to combine the material I received from him and my own knowledge acquired so far to create this lecture and the result I believe was pretty cool. As the lecture lasted more than two hours, I won't be able to put the complete material here, it would almost make a book, but I decided to select three very important crystals in this process to help us manifest a more abundant and prosperous life. They are: PYRITE, MALACHITE, AND ETRYINGITE.

To start, I will talk about Pyrite. I've already written a text here for Eu Sem Fronteiras talking about her, just look on my page inside the site and you'll find it. But let's talk about it a little bit again.

Known as the "fool's gold", Pyrite was known by this name because they found it in mining with its golden appearance and believed it to be gold, but no, it was just pyrite, with its commercial value infinitely less. Even though it is not gold, it has a very important value in Crystal Therapy and helps us to manifest a life with “more gold”. By that, I don't mean that it will “attract gold” to its wielder, if only it were that easy. It will help in the process, expanding our expectations and self-limitations.

Crystals for Abundance – three crystals to help us create a more prosperous life

Pyrite is a crystal that acts on the mental body of the human body, it acts in the malleability of the mental structure so that it can open itself to the new, the different, to new possibilities. When we study the psychological factors that prevent people from being abundant, we see that one of the main causes, if not the main one, are the limiting beliefs that the person inherits from his environment. They say “who is rich does not enter heaven”, “I have no luck with money”, “who is rich is not happy”, “money is dirty”, and so on. These beliefs are the real causes of most people's scarcity, even though most people think the causes are external factors.

What Pyrite does is open us up to new possibilities, so that we let the Universe itself show the way, that we let good things in and remember that the life that the Creator has given us is ABUNDANCE, we just need to let it in. It is us, only us, who prevent her from entering and Pyrite helps us to understand this idea and to open ourselves to the new. No mental blocks. (This takes time, ok? It's a process, not a miracle! But try it's worth it).

The second stone suggested to aid in this process is Malachite. This magnificent green crystal helps us in the masculine aspect of manifesting abundance, that is, in the emotional structure that helps us to BANK and MAINTAIN Abundance. Why is this necessary? Come on!

Money nowadays corresponds to the ability to meet the basic needs of food and shelter that in antiquity were generated by hunting and construction, predominantly male activities. These activities were the basis for the whole family and society to exist. Even if, nowadays, supplying and providing are no longer exclusive to men – thank goodness! – the energy behind providing is masculine, NOT MEN, just masculine! Remember that both men and women have masculine and feminine sides. No gender fights, please!

We still have the issue that having financial success makes a person stand out in their midst, and often make a leap in their life possibilities, which, in some cases, family and friends will not be able to follow. This, even if some don't understand, makes many people unable to FUND their success and end up "preferring" not to grow up to abandon the people they love. It is usually an UNCONSCIOUS process, but it is much more common than you might think.

Crystals for Abundance – three crystals to help us create a more prosperous life

Therefore, MALAQUITA comes in here because it helps us to strengthen the masculine side so that the person can have the strength to BANK the challenges that growth imposes on him and not go back. May you have all the courage and firmness to “go hunting”, do, work, create and sustain all this growth. After all, here we are talking about GENERATING abundance, not inheriting, not winning the lottery.

And, to finish this wonderful crystalline trio, I'm going to talk about one of the most UNKNOWN crystals within Crystal Therapy, ETRINGITE. This crystal is yellow in color and what I'm going to write for you is the result of direct learning from my teacher Antônio Duncan, I learned directly from him and I STILL haven't found this reference in any book. It is his direct experience and mine that I learned from him. I am referring to ettringite as a crystal that helps us, within this context, to learn about the FLOW OF MONEY.

Money Flow is a key concept for always having money and, basically, you don't spend too much and not too little. Let me explain: in order to have abundance in life, first, we need to know who we are and what our needs are, otherwise, we will fall into that pattern where the more a person earns, the more he spends. do you know? After we know each other, we will be able to know what is really important and makes sense to us, without judgments or prejudices, each one has a need. Within this need, there is a balance where IF I NEED SOMETHING, I HAVE MONEY, AND I DO NOT BUY THAT SOMETHING FOR FEAR OF RUNNING OUT OF MONEY, I INTERRUPT THE FLOW OF ABUNDANCE, and, if at the other end, I BUY SOMETHING, WITHOUT NEEDING, JUST BY STATUS, IMAGE, OR LACK I ALSO INTERRUPT THE FLOW OF ABUNDANCE. The key is to always be buying WITHOUT FEAR what I know is good for me, quality things and even expensive if that's the case, as long as they make sense to me and AT THE SAME time, eliminate all excesses and superficialities that they only serve to drain our bank account and our energy. Between these two sides, there is a natural flow of money in and out that we learn to give you over time and ETRINGITA is a great ally in this process.

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Regarding the use of this crystal, there is no right or wrong way to use it, you can leave a piece of this crystal in the corner of the money in your house, in the office along with a pyrite, you can meditate with it or put it in the box along with some money you keep at home (for those who do).

The other crystals can also be used in different ways, with Pyrite being more suitable for placing a larger piece, like about 15 cm, on the work table, and Malachite can be used more as a crystal for meditation and personal use. .

Anyway, you can create your own way to use these crystals, the important thing is to know that they can help, and A LOT, in the process of seeking abundance and prosperity. I said HELP, because crystal doesn't do miracles as some say out there, but they are great companions and teachers on our path of growth.

Use sparingly!

To the next!

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