Creativity and Gratitude are “things” that can go together

Hi, today I want to talk to you a little bit about creativity and Thanksgiving.

Creativity is the act of being creative, or the talent we have to invent, create, innovate.

Creativity and Gratitude are “things” that can go together

But do we all have creativity? Are we endowed with this ability? Honestly, I believe so!

I know that some develop this ability better! Others still need to develop, but I am one of those who think we are made of the same raw material, that is, the love that the father, God, the universe has for each one of us, so I do believe that we are creative beings.

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And do you believe that we are creative? Leave your opinion, I'd like to know!!

Creativity helps us to create new things and improve those that are already there, so it is an important feature in our daily lives.

This November we celebrate Thanksgiving, and when we talk about it, we remember a lot of gratitude! It's a day to celebrate this gratitude for life and everything around us.

No, don't worry, I'm not going to continue this text talking about the importance of gratitude, since there's already a lot out there that talks about this topic.

So you would have to be very creative to put something new, right?

You realized how important creativity is, you could talk about gratitude. In one sentence, I could even put something different, or not… but I would have to look for and use this feature a lot to make you read until the end.

Creativity and Gratitude are “things” that can go together

So to close on this subject, creativity and gratitude are yes “things” that can go together, and I believe they should go together!!

So let's make every day a Thanksgiving day? Using our creativity for this and thus create a better life? This is the invitation, check it out? Come with me? I look forward to seeing you on this incredible journey!!

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