Candidiasis in men: symptoms, what causes it and how to treat it

If you've heard about a disease called candidiasis, you've probably heard about it related to females. Yes, thrush is more common among women, especially vaginal thrush, but men can be affected as well. Another myth is that it is an STI (sexually transmitted infection), which is a lie, as even children can suffer from this disease, which needs to be treated as soon as it is identified, so that it does not cause even more inconvenience.

What is candidiasis?

First of all, it is necessary to understand what this disease is. Candidiasis is a fungal infection, that is, caused by a fungus. In this case, the fungus can be any Candida type. There are three types of candidiasis. The first is oral candidiasis (popularly known as thrush), in which the symptoms are mainly white spots on the tongue and other parts of the mouth, including the throat. In this type of disease, there may be pain in the mouth and even difficulty swallowing. The second type of candidiasis is vaginal, which has among its main symptoms itching (the popular itching) and irritation, in addition to a white discharge. The third, much less common, type is male thrush (also called penile thrush, although that term is less popular), which causes itching and irritation of the penis.

If not treated properly, the infection can become invasive and spread through the patient's body, which can cause fever and various symptoms, depending on where and how the infection acts.

What causes candidiasis in men?

As explained in the introduction to the text, fungi of the Candida genus are responsible for the infection. Among them, Candida albicans is the most common in cases of candidiasis.

As it is a fungus, the main way to prevent candidiasis is to perform proper hygiene of the oral and genital regions, in addition to using condoms during sexual intercourse. While women should be concerned about cleaning the vagina with pH-neutral soap, which avoids threats like this, men can follow some tips, such as giving preference to cotton underwear and avoiding tight clothes or clothes that cause excessive sweat, in addition to avoiding keeping the genital area moist or wet for a long time. Still in relation to the genital area, the use of condoms is the best way to avoid contagion between partners, since, even taking care of their hygiene, you never know if the person you are having a relationship with has the same care. In addition, condoms prevent a huge variety of STIs, not just candidiasis, so their use is essential.

Candidiasis in men: symptoms, what causes it and how to treat it
Henadzi Pechan / 123RF

As for oral candidiasis, the main recommendation is proper cleaning of the mouth, tongue and, thus, the throat, which means brushing the teeth daily, preferably more than once a day. If you have children or are responsible for young children, be careful about brushing their teeth, because both girls and boys can be infected by this fungus.

Among the risk factors for the development of the infection are, for both men and women, the aforementioned failure to use condoms during sexual intercourse and the use of tight or wet clothes, in addition to diabetes, obesity, current treatment with the use of antibiotics and immune deficiency, such as that caused by diseases such as AIDS and various types of cancer.

How to know if a man has candidiasis?

Men should be aware of symptoms such as pain and redness in the mouth, in addition to whitish spots or plaque on the mucous membranes of the cheek and tongue, in the case of oral candidiasis. In the case of penile/male thrush, warning signs include itching on the penis, as well as redness (especially on the foreskin) and irritation in the area.

If the above symptoms are identified, see a doctor. In the medical consultation, the professional will analyze the mucosa of the penis or mouth. If necessary, the doctor can scrape the infected area so that a sample can be analyzed in the laboratory, in order to identify the type of fungus that is causing the problem. After identification, appropriate treatment can be carried out, but the doctor is likely to recommend medication at the first consultation, with the aim of mitigating the progression of the infection and combating its symptoms.

How to cure candidiasis in men?

Usually, the treatment of oral thrush is done with the option of antifungal pills, which is usually the fastest method of effectiveness. Regarding penile/male candidiasis, the most common is for the doctor to prescribe the use of creams and lotions in the genital region, usually twice a day. Antifungal pills, such as those applied in cases of oral candidiasis, can be applied, as well as a corticosteroid-based treatment, if the irritation is very severe, painful, uncomfortable and/or spread across the limb.

Candidiasis in men: symptoms, what causes it and how to treat it
Olga Yastremska / 123RF

How long does it take to cure candidiasis in men?

Treatment time varies according to its severity and extent. Only a doctor can determine how long the drugs should be taken or applied, but the most common is that the treatment lasts from 7 to 14 days.

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Candidiasis is a simply treatable disease; but if we can prevent it and avoid being infected and, in addition, infecting others, that's the best thing to do, isn't it? So take care of your genital and oral hygiene and remember not to have unprotected sex without using condoms.

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