Blue Lace Agate and the Reconnection to Life

    Blue lace agate, a crystal with a bluish color and beautifully lace, can help us a lot in this period of reconnection with life. It is very common to realize that our pre-pandemic dreams and projects no longer fit our current moment. That's mainly because we've changed—and we've changed a lot! We change through pain, we change through sadness and loss, but we also change through our resilience, that inner strength that manifests itself in the most difficult times.

    If we change, consequently our projects, dreams and goals also need to change; those prior to the pandemic no longer make sense today, as we are completely different people. It is precisely in this bridge between us transformed and our dreams and goals that this crystal can help us. Most of us feel that the strength and energy to nurture new projects is no longer the same, it's as if we've lost some of our breath, living day after day without any planning. Dreams and goals are important, after all, they are the ones that nourish part of life within us.

    Blue Lace Agate and the Reconnection to Life
    Pxhere / Pxhere

    Blue lace agate reconnects us with our inner joy and strength, with our capacity for resilience and, above all, with our faith and hope. You can use this crystal as a pendant at the height of the heart or, if you prefer, next to your bed or inside your pillow. For those who meditate, it is an excellent crystal to use during practice; just hold it between your hands for a few minutes. It is important that the crystal is always clean. For cleaning, soak in water with sea salt for 10 minutes.

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    Blue lace agate is another gift from the crystalline world to help us in this moment of great transformations. Open your heart and reconnect to life.

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