Be a people encourager

Inside social networks and outside of them I've been noticing a strange movement. People are getting used to attacking for free or boasting without even being called upon to do so. Therefore, I decided to write about a subject that is a little forgotten: the art of encouraging people.

Celebrate the joys, congratulate the achievements and be optimistic with the one who shares their victories with you, after all, someone came to you to confide in you.


Be a people encourager

Just don't be that kind of people who want to show that their little horse is bigger at these times and start to talk about themselves, forgetting that this is the other's time.

Every time you meet someone who is opening up and wants to vent, be that person who keeps listening. Show you care. Have empathy. Be friendly shoulder.

Just don't be that kind of people who want to show that their problems and difficulties are bigger and more important than those of others.

If someone comes to you to share their plans and goals, be the kind of person who is interested. Feel the sparkle in the other's eyes. Be involved by the motivation that the other has to be better and seek your place in the sun.

Just don't be that kind of person who criticizes someone else's dream, projecting their perceptions or discouraging someone, just because it flowed different for you.


Please do not!

The world already has too many critics and competitors. Change the tune. Change that radio.

Put your back down and get into the vibe of empathy.

Be present and be remembered for your kind and loving gesture, regardless of any situation. People will remember you with more love and gratitude.Be a people encourager

Be that kind of person who has the hot vibe that everyone wants to be around. This fad of wanting to look your best and be the know-it-all-center-of-the-eyes thing has long since fallen apart.

Helping those in need is often related to listening and offering a hug; celebrate together that special and particular moment, without judgment. We can start to make this world a much better place by changing paradigms. Relax and live lighter. This change will do you good and the world around you.

"More love please!" Sign: Universe.

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