Animals, our protectors

According to the language of the body, we are the causes of our diseases, and they happen due to our feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Animals capture our energy, they are our protectors and guardians on Earth.

The reading of the animal's illness is the same for us. What we need to do is identify who the animal has chosen in the house as its owner, because every animal likes someone in the house best. When the house has two or more people and only one animal, we must observe who that animal plays with the most, who it chooses to pet it more often, so we will be able to identify who the animal chose to take care of it, to be its guardian.

Animals, our protectors

The “owner” of this animal is from whom he is capturing the energy and getting sick or having an accident. change the behavior, the feeling that causes illness or accident, then your pet will heal.

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I will give an example of skin diseases in animals: allergies and scabies are very common in many animals. According to the body language, skin diseases happen when their owner has problems with communication. Allergies indicate a high level of lack of communication, because the person cannot communicate and feels angry, wants to get that situation out of his life and doesn't know how, and the little animal, capturing this energy, enters an allergic process in which he often even the meds don't work. Scabies is a type of ringworm. According to the body language, the owner of this animal is feeling invaded, he cannot set limits and the animal, sensing this, gets sick.

Animals, our protectors

Want to cure your pet of skin diseases? Work your communication, understand what stopped you from saying what you needed, talk to the other always with love and respect, the same way you would like them to talk to you. Do tests with very simple things and little by little go saying everything you need. If you can't do it alone or find it challenging, I and everyone at Ponto de Luz will be available to guide you in therapy. In many cases, this started in childhood and the adult doesn't even know why they can't speak and express themselves.

Any disease or accident that the animal has is frequency capture from its owner.

Animals, our protectors

Cats are special animals, as they have many more crystals than humans in their pineal gland, so they are able to clear environments of dense energies (another interesting thing, which I noticed throughout my life: cats choose us, not on the contrary, as we think it is).

I will recommend a book by my teacher Cristina Cairo, which is called “The power of cats in the cure of diseases”, published by Cairo publishing house. In this book, she explains about the pineal gland and apatite crystals, the meaning of each cat color, how they help in curing diseases and also the meaning of some insects, reptiles, rodents and butterflies that appear in our life. Know that everything has a reason, so they show up to tell us something.

Text written by Erica Ohno, integrative therapist. To schedule in-person or online sessions, contact: (11) 96974-1810.

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