Activate and balance your chakras with Yoga

In addition to reducing stress levels, decreasing anxiety, strengthening muscles and stretching, Yoga also works on the alignment and balance of the seven main chakras.

The seven chakras are located in the spine, and each of them is an energy center responsible for certain functions in our body. With Yoga, you not only activate each energy center, you align them, bringing greater balance to your body and your life. It is worth saying that, to work each chakra, it is possible to do more than one position.

So, when you are tired or in a lot of pain, try to practice Yoga putting into practice the positions of the seven chakras. You will surely notice that you will feel lighter and invigorated.

Mooladhara Chakra

This chakra is located at the base of the spine, governing the ovaries and testes. In life, the mooladhara chakra is responsible for the areas of money, security and family ties. When this chakra is out of balance, sad feelings plague your body, such as lack and low self-esteem, in addition to so many other characteristics that can be perceived.

This chakra is done in paschimottanasana, the pinch position. Sit with your legs stretched out, one next to the other. Bring your torso towards your legs, with the intention of touching your feet with your hands and that your chest and belly touch your leg. Keep your knees straight.

Chakra Swadistana

The swadistana chakra is responsible for Organs sexual organs, in addition to the kidneys, the bladder and the entire lower back, where it is located. He works in the areas of sexuality, sensuality, creativity, fertility and some emotions.

To energize you, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, the Bridge Pose, is recommended. To perform it, lie on your back and with your knees bent, so that your feet are flat on the floor and close to your hips and in line with it. Keep your arms stretched by your sides. Lift your hips and each vertebra of your spine until you reach the cervical. Keep shoulders and arms on the floor. Go down slowly and repeat this movement a few times.

Chakra Manipura

The Manipura chakra is the third chakra of our energy balance, and is located near the navel region, being responsible for the pancreas and adrenals. This chakra works directly on self-confidence and willpower, so it is very important to keep it energized.

Perform Ardha Chakrasana Pose, Half Wheel Pose, to work the Manipura Chakra. Stand up straight and raise your arms slowly, with one palm towards the other. During the entire exercise, your legs should be straight and your muscles tense. Stretch your neck back.

Anahata Chakra

The fourth chakra in our body is located in the center of the chest and is therefore associated with the heart. He works directly in love, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. Work this chakra very hard, because if it is blocked or without energy, you can become a more possessive, spiteful and bitter person.

Do the mahavirasana or mahavira pose to work the anahata chakra. Stand with one leg forward and bend the knee, keeping the other leg stretched. With your palms resting on the knee of your front leg, push your shoulders back. Then repeat the movement with the other leg.

Chakra Visuddha

The fifth chakra of our body is located at the base of the neck, being responsible for governing our throat, including the thyroid. Visuddha acts directly on our ideas and the way we communicate and express ourselves.

Do the Salamba Sarvangasana Pose, the Candle Pose, to stimulate this chakra. Lie on your back and raise your legs (always stretched) towards the sky. The hips should be supported by the hands and the chest should touch the chin.

Ajna Chakra

Activate and balance your chakras with Yoga
Fizkes / 123rf

The sixth chakra is known as the third eye chakra. It is located between the eyebrows, governing the pituitary gland and acting on our intuition and faith. This chakra is also very important as it governs your inner wisdom and therefore has an influence on the functioning of the entire body.

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To work the ajna chakra, do the sash tan gadan dawatasana, the spiritual prostration pose. Lie on your stomach and position your arms forward, crossing your wrists. The position is simple so that you can focus on your breathing (inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, just like in the other positions) and meditate.

Chakra Sahasrara

The sahasrara chakra, also known as the crown chakra, is located at the top of the head and represents our spiritual connection, thought and self-light. To work the last chakra of our body, do the Chaturanga Dandasana Pose.

This posture is also known as the plank posture, a position also performed in gyms, so it is well known. With the belly down, the legs are straight and only the feet touch the ground, as well as the palms and forearms. The rest of the body is elevated and in line with the hip placement.

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