30 minutes with Eckhart Tolle

    30 minutes with Eckhart Tolle

    In a world with so many possibilities and many doubts, it is always good to know new ideas that can help clarify life and what surrounds us. Whether through philosophy, spirituality or scientific studies, what matters is that we can get in touch with thoughts that help us to live better. That is always a worthy goal.

    However, anyone who thinks that seeking answers is linked only to the studies of ancient thinkers is wrong. There are many current thinkers and scholars who bring studies and philosophies that can open perception about everything. From existential questions to what makes the world the way it is. One of these thinkers is the German Eckhart Tolle.

    Tolle is a researcher, writer and speaker. His career began in the academic world, but when he was 29 years old he says he went through a period of depression and after that he had a spiritual transformation in his life that made him follow new paths and do new studies.

    Since then, he has studied currents of thought from different sources: Zen Buddhism, Sufism, Hinduism, the teachings of the spiritualist Master Eckart, as well as Christianity and the Bible. And after delving into these subjects, he published several books that talk about his way of seeing the world.

    He emphasizes the power of living in the now, connecting to everything around you, thus living in an awake and lucid way. This is the opposite of having selfish prejudices and judgments. For we can only experience the world as it is if we get rid of those thought patterns that prevent us from living in the present and connecting with all living beings.

    About this state of being present, Eckhart Tolle says:

    โ€œAnd that state of presence is the answer. So there is no conceptual answer. There is only the answer of experiencing yourself as pure presence. (โ€ฆ) And in that vastness you sit and just look around, and enjoy everything. And you come to the surprising realization that you don't always have to conceptualize, interpret, or label everything that comes into your consciousness. You can just be there as pure presence. So that's another way of knowing things.โ€

    If you are interested in new thinkers and looking for answers, learn more about the work of Eckhart Tolle. This video is a good start to understand his ideas: 


    Written by Ricardo Sturk from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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