21 Power Phrases for Balance and Hope in Life

21 power phrases for balance and hope in life

I selected 21 power phrases that bring balance and hope in life.

Sometimes, in difficult times, there is nothing better than drinking at the source of the ideas of enlightened people who knew better than anyone else how to shape words that warm our hearts.

These words connect us to our true nature, the one that, in today's world, we are so disconnected from. I suggest that, after reading the sentences, you take the opportunity to take a free test that indicates your degree of connection with inner and outer nature: click here to take the test.

So here are the phrases for you to stay balanced and hopeful:

“Each crisis leads to enrichment. A civilization must not become a chain.
Therefore, my pessimism about the immediate future leads to profound optimism.” – Rene Dubos

21 Power Phrases for Balance and Hope in Life
Bruno Scramgnon / Pexels

“It is not necessary to change the human being. It is only necessary to change the vision that the human being has of himself and of his relationship with the world that surrounds him.” – Marcella Danon

“The lives of all of us undoubtedly consist of little things. The present moment is always small in the sense that it is simple, but hidden within it is the greater power.” – Eckhart Tolle

“By doing negative actions, you contaminate yourself. By not doing negative actions, you purify yourself.” – Siddhartha Gautama

“Anything that has the nature of being born also has the nature of ending.” – Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta

“It is better to devote one's life to the duty which it is up to him to perform, whatever it may be, than to attract great anguish to himself, in the vain attempt to perform tasks that nature has not delegated to him.” – Bhagavad Gita

21 Power Phrases for Balance and Hope in Life
Snapwire / Pexels

“Your relationship with God is the same as your relationship with the sun. If you hid from the sun for years and then chose to come out of your darkness, the sun will still be shining as if you never left. You do not need to apologize. You just lift your head and look at the sun.” – Michael A. Singer

“Beyond your body and the labels by which you define yourself, there is a river of tenderness and vulnerability. In addition to the stereotypes and preconceptions you put yourself, there is a valley of freedom of originality. Beyond memories and ego there is a sea of ​​consciousness and compassion.” – Haemin Sunim

“Better than a thousand dissertations, better than a mere confusion of meaningless words, is a single sensible word that will appease the listener.” – Dhammapada

“The deeper the wounds of sadness in his being, the more joys he can contain.” – Khalil Gibran

“When we stop blaming ourselves for not living the way we really think we should, we start noticing the talents we’ve developed.” – Carol S. Pearson

“Our enemies are great teachers. (…) Resistance is the enemy within us.” – Steven Pressfield

"Don't worry. Everyone is desperate. (…) People are terrified of facing themselves. (…) But when the feeling of emptiness, due to a lack of self-esteem, is replaced by self-esteem, we no longer need to look to the outside world for the happiness that is inside us.” – David R. Hawkins

“The most remarkable feature of this historic moment on Earth is not that we are destroying our world – in fact, we have been on this path for quite some time. It's just that we're starting to wake up from a millennia slumber to a whole new relationship with our world, with ourselves and with others. This awakening makes the Great Turning possible.” – Joanna Macy

21 Power Phrases for Balance and Hope in Life
Daniel Reche / Pexels

“Your purpose is to see the world through your own divinity.” – A Course in Miracles

“If you stick to your purpose and commit to following your dreams, the universal mind will cooperate. The right people will show up, obstacles will be removed, the right circumstances will materialize, and a guide will be there.” – Wayne Dyer

“The purest and truest desires are always fulfilled, this is what my experiences have confirmed to me several times: my most vivid desire was to help the poor, and this led me to always have contact with them and helped me to identify with them. they." – Gandhi Autobiography

“I believe that there is a subtle magnetism in nature that, if we let ourselves be carried by it unconsciously, will lead us to the right place.” – Henry David Thoreau

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“Nature is not in a hurry and still leaves nothing undone.” – Lao Tzu

“The best way to be happy is to contribute to the happiness of others.” – Confucius

“Learn to purify your taste: to fall in love with everything that is noble, beautiful, just and good.” – Lucia Helena Galvão

I'm glad you stopped and took the time to make a quality "nothing"!

And don't forget to take the quiz: "How connected are you with inner and outer nature?" and understand how connected you are to your truth!

Have a bright day!

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