07:07 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?

The awakening of life is nothing more than the connection between the physical and the energetic, between matter and spirit. To continue progressing, it is necessary to take control of yourself and constantly cut yourself from a rough stone to a diamond.

We are spirits on an earthly and spiritual evolutionary journey. Uniting these links will make us stronger and stronger in body, mind and spirit. Number 7 comes to speak of God's perfection in us, the spiritual call to remember what we are made of and where we came from. Let's see more about the number 7 and the time equal to 07:07.

The meaning of number 7

Number of the power of action and spirituality. It is the number of God's perfection, the 7 musical notes, the 7 colors of the rainbow and the 7 subtle bodies. According to the Holy Scriptures and some philosophies, God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh; soon, the Creator took his power of action and built a magnificent world, so much so that he saw that it was good and was proud of his own deeds.

And isn't it the same feeling we get when we do something well? It's the divine feeling in us! It is spirituality in action.

Many think that talking about spirituality is just praying, meditating or attending a cult. It's much more than that. Notice the subtle energy of determined people in their lives. See the power of action and divine grace in them.

It is to this source of energy that we must be attentive so as not to let it wane. It is the call of spirituality, consciously, to be in unity with God.

The numerological meaning of 7

Within the studies of numerology, added to the tarot archetypes, the number 7 is represented by the arcane The Chariot, which speaks of the need that leads life towards prosperity. It is the young person who has already taken his first step, has already balanced himself, has already connected and now needs to continue walking towards his destiny, dominating the spirit over matter. He is determined and focused on reaching his next goal.

This arcane comes to teach us the importance of making choices, projecting yourself in life and taking action for the realization of all this. If the 7 is the sacred in us, it reminds us that all achievements are only possible when we give our best in connection with the gods – spirituality.

How is your willpower and spiritual connection?

07:07 - What is the meaning of seeing this time often?
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What does it mean to see 07:07

When you see the time 07:07, you are receiving a call from spirituality alerting you to the questions: are you taking good care of your energies? Are you studying about spirituality through any philosophy of life, religion or spiritualist groups? Are your life goals, words and actions uplifting? Take a few minutes out of the day to meditate? Have you positively directed your life? Do you have goals and projects in all areas of your life? If not, time to take the reins of your life in your hands and direct them to a prosperous and happy destination.

What to do when seeing the time 07:07

Seeing that hour, "give thanks to the Lord." In other words, THANK YOU and feel what your spiritual mentor or your subconscious is wanting to tell you through intuition. Did you get the message? Thank again and start acting. It is a sign to take action, so have the courage to take the reins and lead yourself or lead the situation you need to experience.

In Chinese medicine, the organ that works the most from 7 am to 9 am is the stomach. Realize what is not digesting well and dissolve it as soon as possible so you don't get sick and attract a disease in any organ of the digestive system.

Did you see another time like this? discover the meaning

the angel 0707

Within Kabbalistic angel studies, the angel that is closest to Earth at around 07:07 am is the angel Ieiaiel. He assists in financial conquests as he dominates fortune, renown, diplomacy and business. In addition, it helps in discovering new paths and new vocations.

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The color associated with the number 7 is violet, the color of transmuting bad energies into positive ones. The color that connects us with the divine because it is linked to the crown chakra. It helps to eliminate hatred, anguish and fear, bringing the subtle power of the noblest ideals.

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