Yoga develops children's body awareness and self-knowledge

Yoga is a technique that emerged in India thousands of years ago. The term comes from Sanskrit and means to integrate, unite, commune. The practice relieves back pain, improves the cardiovascular system, the nervous system among other problems. But, did you know that yoga is also good for children? The technique takes body awareness and self-knowledge, making the little ones more relaxed and focused. Learn how it works and the other effects.

Yoga kids

Each session lasts 50 minutes and issues such as imagination, creativity, collectivity and the notion of space are addressed through stories, dances and games. Parents of children who practice yoga say their behavior and school performance have increased.

Yoga develops children's body awareness and self-knowledge

The benefits of ancient Indian practice are also confirmed by science. A 2009 study by Health Science and Management in Taiwan analyzed 31 children between 7 and 12 years old who did yoga for seven weeks. The researchers found improvements in muscle strength, flexibility and cardiorespiratory capacity.

Shirley Telles, PhD in neurophysiology, a world-renowned expert in research on the effects of yoga and meditation explains that children should start practicing yoga as early as possible, because the brain responds more actively to external and internal stimuli in the first few years of life. The finding was published in 2012 in the book Child and Adolescent Mental Health.

Yoga does not work miracles, however, it helps to bring about relaxation. Explain the benefits to your child and invite them to take a class. If he agrees, tell us the before and after.

  • Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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