Yoga, a choice for life: interview with Dany Sá

Yoga, a practice from India, has spread in the country. There are several lineages, but the vast majority highlight the physical and mental benefits. One of the precursors of Ashtanga Yoga in España is Dany Sá. She has a space in Rio de Janeiro, but also travels all over the country teaching courses. We talked a little with Dany about her trajectory and what she thinks about the growth of Yoga in the country. Check out the interview:

Me without Borders: Dany, could you tell me when you started practicing Yoga and how was this journey to the present day?

Dany Sa: I started practicing Yoga by chance in a gym in Rio de Janeiro, that was at the end of 2002. I was a professional dancer, but I had little time to attend classical ballet classes and I saw Yoga as a form of body expression. Throughout the practices, I realized that Yoga was much more than physical and this made me study and read many books. In 2005, I trained teachers in Hatha Yoga with Professor Pedro Kupfer. During this period, I got to know the practice of Ashtanga and was enchanted by the method. I started to practice every day and receive guidance from Professor Matthew Vollmer. 

Eu sem Fronteiras: How was your preparation here in España until you arrived at the courses in India? 

Yoga, a choice for life: interview with Dany SáDany Sa: The path was natural, without preparation. I continued my studies and dedication to Ashtanga, evolving in my practice and made me want to know the roots of Ashtanga and its source. I went to Mysore (India) for the first time in 2011 to practice and get to know the city and I had a lot of identification with everything and with my current teacher, Sharath Jois, grandson of Pattabhi Jois. Since then, I started going to Mysore more often and received international authorization to teach the method by the Mysore Institute (KPJAYI). 

Me without Borders: What did you do before dedicating yourself to Yoga?

Dany Sa: I have a degree in dance from the Faculty of Dance in Rio de Janeiro. I danced in some contemporary dance companies and taught classical, jazz and contemporary ballet classes. 

Me without Borders: In recent years, Yoga (in my opinion) has expanded. The increase of spaces for the practice of Yoga in small towns, Yoga outdoors, training for Yoga instructors are some examples of this progress. How do you see this growth?  

Dany Sa: Yes, Yoga has been growing in Spain, I think it's very good that people have come to know this ancient philosophy from India. It is a sign that Yoga has been bringing benefits and transforming many lives. I'm glad!

Yoga, a choice for life: interview with Dany Sá

Eu sem Fronteiras: And how was the idea of ​​setting up your own space in RJ? Can you reconcile with the rest of the commitments?

Dany Sa: After many years teaching in many Yoga studios, I wanted to have my own little corner with my energy so I could receive my students. And that's how my space in RJ came about, which I call Shala. Shala, in Sanskrit, means home, place of coziness. I teach during the week and I usually travel to courses on the weekend, I manage to balance my commitments well. When I have a longer trip, I invite a teacher to replace me. 

Me without Borders: You practice Ashtanga Yoga, some people find it difficult to start. You think? Can anyone start?

Dany Sa: To practice Ashtanga you need discipline and willingness, but it is not difficult to start. Students learn the series step-by-step at their own pace and under the guidance of a qualified teacher. 

Me without Borders: What is Yoga for you?

Dany Sa:  Yoga for me is a life practice.

Eu sem Fronteiras: How is your day-to-day and your practice?

Dany Sa: I wake up early, around 3:30 am, do my practice from 4 am to 6 am and I teach from 6:30 am to 9:30 am every day, Monday to Friday. I have a break for coffee and rest. Monday and Wednesday I also teach from 12:14 to 18:20, and Tuesday and Thursday from XNUMX:XNUMX to XNUMX:XNUMX. 

Me without Borders: Leave a message

Dany Sa: Keep your focus on your goals. Difficulties may come, but always keep a positive attitude, accepting challenges as a form of inner transformation.

Watch a video with Dany Sá and Fernanda Lima teaching the practice of Yoga:

Interview granted to Angélica Weise from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

Images: Publicity/Facebook

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