Yamas and Nyamas, the ethics of yoga

    A yoga is an ancient Indian meditation technique, whose objective is to bring “Divine Consciousness” to the mind and body. Before starting to practice it is important to know the yamas and yamas principles of good conduct that apply to everyone. Are you joining or have you just started? Discover here the yamas and nyamas, the ethics of yoga.


    Yama it is the gateway to yoga and means mastery or control. Divided into ahimsa, aparigraha, brahmacharya, satya, and asteya, it is the principle that governs which behaviors we have to avoid. It controls the impulses exerted by the organs of action: mouth, legs, arms, excretory and sexual organs. With this brake, energy is channeled into spiritual development. Check the details of each branch of the yama:


    The teaching shows that we cannot inflict pain on any living being, human or animal.

    The aparigraha teaches that we should not indulge in greed and possessiveness. This disclaimer applies to objects as well as relationships.


    The word is composed of the radical char "to move" and Brahma "essential truth", which can be translated as movement towards the essential. Brahmacharya is the non-distortion of sex and reinforces that relationships must lead us to the understanding of noble truths.


    Not lying, maintaining coherence between speeches and actions.


    Don't steal objects and ideas, don't envy other people's achievements.

    Yamas and Nyamas, the ethics of yoga


    O niyama it concerns the five organs of perception: eyes, tongue, nose, ears and skin. It is divided into sauchan, santosha, tapas, svadhyaya and ishvarapranidhana. With the control of the functions performed by these organs, there is an improvement in personal and spiritual life. Check the details of each branch of the niyama:


    It means external and internal purification. In sauchan, external purification is giving up alcohol, cigarettes and food rich in fat and sugar, adopting a vegetarian diet. Internal purification is taking toxic thoughts and feelings out of the soul.


    Have the discipline, determination, and willpower to police yourself against feelings like self-centeredness, envy, and greed. Such vigilance leads to full happiness, that which radiates in the soul.


    Study the scriptures yoga (shastras), pursuit of self-knowledge and application of that knowledge in life.


    Submission to Ishvara (Lord, personal God). Ishvarapranidhana is entrusting events to a higher authority.

    O yoga It is a very rich subject, for you to begin to understand, we have separated this text.

    Text written by Sumaia de Santana Salgado from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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