Why take off your shoes when entering the house

    The other day I went to a Japanese utility store, which is expanding in São Paulo, and among many decorations, winter items, others for gardening, stationery and various household utensils, I came across super decorated shoe insoles. . It had a print of animals, Mickey, patterns such as polka dots and flowers and also of the most diverse sizes; for men, women and children. I left there intrigued and went to research why someone would bother to decorate the inside of their shoes. The answer I found quickly: it is an oriental custom to take off your shoes when entering their homes (and also some commercial establishments, such as restaurants).

    I was even more surprised when I understood the reason for this custom. Surprised and a little dumb, I must confess. After all, how had I never thought of that before? The premise is pretty basic: if you use your shoes to go through the most different surfaces during the day and step on grass, mud, dirty sidewalks, waste that you have no idea of ​​the origin, for what absurd reason would you take all this inside your house?

    Why take off your shoes when entering the house

    In addition to the dirt itself, oriental wisdom also shows us that, in addition to the physical aspect, entering your house with the shoes you wore on the street will take with you all kinds of energy that you captured, obviously and especially the negative energies that we try so hard to avoid. Taking off your shoes before entering and having a specific corner for them creates a kind of barrier for unwanted things, whether physical or energetic. Ideally, everyone should get into the habit of cleaning their shoes well. in an area as close to the door as possible and only then put them inside the house.

    Care must be even greater if you wear your shoes to the bedroom.. The dormitory is a rest area and dedicated to recharging energies, so it should always be clean and as uncluttered as possible of objects that can bring germs, dirt and any other types of negative substances.

    If you are not used to walking barefoot and the temperature of the floor bothers you, it is okay to wear shoes indoors, as long as they are shoes intended only for that specific use. A more comfortable slipper or slipper solves the problem.

    Adopt this habit and notice the changes in your routine. In addition to having to clean the floor less often, you will feel a much greater energy balance. Try it!

    Text written by Roberta Lopes from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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