Where is true happiness?

    In the modern world, we wonder what to do to be happy. It is not enough to have the material goods that we once wanted, we want more. It is not enough for the family to be serene and in harmony, we want moments of parties with lots of drink and food. The job that guarantees our livelihood is not enough, we want more, we want higher wages, more luxury.

    Of the three people who come to me as an analyst, one of them is dissatisfied with her current life, or her job, or her family model, or herself, or the country, or the whole. When I ask them to explain what bothers them, after minutes of reflection, they are all unanimous: “Yeah, I think the problem is me”. It is interesting that many have this statement in their unconscious, but they are not able to rationalize it in a way that it can become useful in their lives for evolution.

    I know that, in moments of storm, many of us wonder about the trials we went through, experiencing moments of sadness and regrets, but let's be honest: did it help us at any time? regret, complain, question, did revolting help us solve any difficulties we went through? I think many are answering “no”.

    The lamentations generate a feeling of anguish which, in turn, turns into anxiety. Excessive anxiety can generate neuroses and psychotic disorders that unbalance us, making us sick beings.

    Se I believe that we can be happy always? Yup. Happiness is not squandering a fake yellow smile around the four corners of the world, but bearing our differences as a whole, bearing our faults, accepting them and correcting them as much as possible.

    Where is true happiness?

    And, answering the above question, where is true happiness, I say: is inside each one of us and is in the whole; it is in the one who takes care of the whole, thinking about future generations without expecting any reward from the next; it is in the one who accepts his faults and goes on with life seeking his best; it is in the one who does not lose hope even if there are stones in the way; it is in the one who believes, who has faith in something, but does not lose a friend defending his ideals; it is in the one who faces life head on, taking responsibility for his actions without carrying the heavy backpack of guilt; is in him who neither waits for tomorrow nor regrets yesterday, but who live today with an open heart to give and receive love.

    Stop for a moment in your life, think of yourself experiencing all of this, truly, feel the lightness that it brings to you, to your interior, and feel the true happiness within you.

    Practice this reflection, seek in your day to day to change your thoughts and attitudes in a constructive way and feel true happiness in your life.

    Wisdom and peace to each of you!

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