Where is the negative energy?

In Feng Shui, Chi energy is very important for the body and the home. So how about finding out where the negative energy is, ending it is letting the Chi energy flow in the best way in your life and your home. Here are some tips.

To know where the negative energy is most concentrated, make a solution of water with coarse salt, which is a crystal that captures energy. Distribute the liquid in small transparent glass jars and spread throughout the environments.

When positioning the containers, always have your cleaning intentions in mind, this demonstrates your willpower. Wait for the water to evaporate (this will take a few days, so don't fill the container with water and at most 7 days later you can already know if something is wrong). If the salt forms an uneven crust, negative vibrations accumulate.

Once a month, do a cleaning and imagine that you are rubbing rock salt on the walls in a circular motion, then imagine the same gesture with crystal sugar.

Another important tip is that the walls must always be clean, free of dust, and without holes or marks from the paintings already removed, because that is where the dense and negative energy is trapped.

Protect yourself after arguments or fights

To say that there are no fights or arguments in a house is not quite the truth. But, you can take some precautions. After arguments and fights it is good to light fragrant incense, play soft music or chant Indian Mantras (repetitive sounds created to evoke deities).

Walk around the house with open arms making movements of 8, it evokes the harmony of the infinity symbol and makes the air circulate.

Where is the negative energy?
Polina Kovaleva/Pexels
Don't let negative energy in. You can capture it right at the entrance of your house.

Place a glass or small clear glass bowl with water and 3 handfuls of coarse salt (representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit). This cup is placed behind the main entrance door and/or behind all doors in all rooms.

Leave it for a week and change the water and salt. If the water becomes cloudy, or the salt rises within a week, change the water and salt first. Water and salt should be thrown into running water after use (you can flush the toilet and flush).

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Always mentalize the desire for protection, harminization e love in the environment. Remember your thoughts are very powerful.

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