When should I seek reiki as a therapeutic treatment?

    When should I seek reiki as a therapeutic treatment?

    With the popularization of the method Reiki, it is very likely that you have already received this channeled cosmic energy (rei) at some point to harmonize your vital energy (ki). Also, since the beginning of the pandemic, several reikians and therapists have been offering free shipments through social media. There's even a technique I've already mentioned, in which Reiki energy flows daily to anyone who wants to receive it, just passing two energy addresses to the therapist (see my video about the Reiki Box Technique and, if you want, send me your name complete and date of birth).

    But just as being a Reiki practitioner does not necessarily imply being a Reiki therapist, receiving Reiki sporadically does not mean that the person is undergoing therapeutic treatment. I say this because, many times, people just want to receive one or another session and do not continue their self-care process.

    Doing a holistic treatment should be a conscious choice because, like any therapeutic treatment, the importance of continuity is crucial to achieving results. If the person is willing to work on their energetic harmonization in a holistic way, that is, looking at all areas of their life (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), Reiki therapy is a great option. Even if you are already undergoing medical or psychiatric treatment, Reiki will serve as a complementary therapy and help in the process of recovering or maintaining full health.

    In this way, I recommend that you look for a qualified Reiki therapist to work together on your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual fields, because, with a professional follow-up, it is easier to understand the steps of self-development. Reiki therapy is capable of bringing profound transformations to people who are willing to get to know each other at all levels..

    This does not mean, of course, that by receiving only one session, there will be no transformations. There always is, because Reiki energy is an intelligent energy, as it comes from the Universal Cosmic Source. And, in one session, the balance of the chakras occurs, which is reflected in the work of the glands and their respective hormones, and these for all the organs of the body, causing an instantaneous physical, emotional and mental well-being.

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    The difference is when you put it in a perspective of wanting to work on self-knowledge and consciously develop emotional intelligence, in addition to seeing Reiki as just a relaxation session. The person takes responsibility for their self-care process, and, then, it is possible to feel the most profound changes in practice. Bearing in mind that holistic therapies should never replace conventional treatments, but they can be integrated with those for the pursuit of personal development in all areas.

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