What's the perfect color for your new year?

What's the perfect color for your new year?

The New Year is a time to renew energy. That's when we stimulate everything we want to attract for the next few months, including using colors that vibrate what we are looking for. And there's an efficient way to figure out what color you should wear, matching what you want with the suggested shade for your personal year. But what is this?

One's personal year is Numerology's definition of trends a person will have over 12 months. These trends are each represented by a number. And these numbers are related to the energies that the colors vibrate. That is, by matching your trends for the coming year with the colors that stimulate them, you will be much more successful.

In this way, discover how you can calculate your personal year to understand what the next few months will bring for you. Then, identify which color best translates these vibrations and will stimulate good energies in you. Check out!

How to calculate my personal year?

To calculate your personal year, keep in mind your day and month of birth. You must add the digits that make up this date, as in the example:

Day of birth: 17

Month of birth: 9

Soma = 1 + 7 + 9 = 17

As the result of the addition must be a number from 1 to 9, in case the date results in two digits you must add them, like this:

Soma = 1 + 7 + 9 = 17

Sum of digits = 1 + 7 = 8

In this case, the person's number is 8. Now, to find the personal year, you need to add this number to the sum of the digits of the year that will start, like this:

Year to start = 2022

Sum of year digits = 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 6

Year number 2022 = 6

Person number = 8

Year number = 6

Sum of person number and year number = 8 + 6 = 14

Again, the result of the sum must be a number from 1 to 9. As the number obtained was 14, you must add its digits:

Soma = 8 + 6 = 14

Sum of digits = 1 + 4 = 5

So the personal year of the person we used in the example is 5. Now all we have to do is find out which color this number corresponds to and what it stimulates. Easy, isn't it?

The meaning of colors for each personal year

After learning to calculate your personal year, it's time to find the colors that relate to each number, as well as what they stimulate. Keep reading!


The color red is associated with the personal year 1. This is because red represents energy and movement, in addition to bringing cheer to those who use it. And this type of vibration is fundamental for the year 1, which indicates the change of life, the beginning of new projects and the opening to new things.

So, if your personal year is equal to 1, get ready for transformations. With the color red at the turn, you will have boldness and courage to face the transformations that life will bring you. In addition, you will show your independence and your determination to reach new heights.


If your personal year is 2, orange is the color for you. This tone is key to encouraging patience and flexibility, which are key principles for the trend you should follow in the coming months. Year 2 indicates the need to make decisions, control the reins and act sparingly.

In order for your New Year's Eve to provide you with the necessary vibrations to face this journey, orange must be present. This color will encourage you to take initiative, overcome your insecurities and expose yourself to the world, whether at work or in your relationships.


Personal year 3 has yellow as its color. The concentration and focus that this tone stimulates will be essential for you to be able to enjoy the energies of the coming months. In year 3, there is a development of creativity and the expression of ideas, increasing your personal magnetism and bringing more sociability.

So, so that these energies don't get lost, you need the organization of thoughts brought by yellow. With this color, you will be able to put your head in the right place and perfectly translate everything you are thinking and feeling.

green or brown

For Personal Year 4, you can choose between green and brown. Representing balance and harmony, these colors will intensify the energies of the year ahead for you. In this case, year 4 points to the importance of organization and structure, showing that it is necessary to build solid and well-defined projects.

On New Year's Eve, if you prefer the color green, you will be vibrating mainly with the planning of ideas, and only then execute them, as it should be. On the other hand, by using brown, you will encourage solid choices and plans to be more firm in decision making.


Turquoise is the perfect shade for Personal Year 5. While this color is reassuring, it is capable of rescuing a person's faith. This matches Year 5, which is centered on transformation. The changes ahead can be difficult to cope with, so staying calm is essential.

For the turn, turquoise is the best option. If you are a person who is afraid of change and prefers stability, this color will help you to have faith that everything will work out, as well as helping you to relax in the most challenging times. On the other hand, if you like to change, take advantage of color to calm the mood.

Indigo blue

Darker than turquoise blue, indigo blue is the tone for Personal Year 6. This variation of blue promotes understanding and develops intuition. These principles are important for Year 6, which highlights the strengthening of interpersonal relationships, with diplomacy and harmony.

So, if you want to start the year by getting along well with other people, indigo blue will attract the perfect vibes. With color, you will stimulate your ability to understand the other side, to speak only what is pertinent and to deal better with other people's feelings.

violet or lilac

Violet is the ideal color for the personal year 7. Thanks to the stimulation of self-knowledge and the sensitivity that this tone provides, the energies of this new year will be intensified. What can be expected in the coming months is an intense inner transformation, which will cause changes in attitude and thinking.

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To define your life purpose and what you really want for yourself, the color violet cannot be missing on the first day of the next year. With this encouragement, you will be able to look into your essence, seeking the truth about who you are and what you like best.


If your personal year is 8, pink is your color. In addition to bringing insight and harmony, this tone will intensify the energies that will surround you in the coming months. That's because the year 8 is associated with developing life plans and communicating your ideas to others.

That's why, since the turn of the year, you must vibrate flexibility and objectivity when translating what you think, so that your message is transmitted without problems. With the power of pink, you will do all this in an affectionate way, with constructive dialogues.


The personal year 9 is synonymous with golden. Although many think that this color symbolizes wealth, the truth is that it encourages detachment. For Year 9, in which it is so important to practice altruism and connect with humanity, the principle that color encourages is more than essential.

On New Year's Eve, take advantage of the golden color to awaken your charisma and to better relate to other people. From there, you will be able to let go of what doesn't belong to you and help those who need you most, with great wisdom.

Did you see? It is entirely possible to match the energies you need for the coming year with perfect colors. Take advantage of the tips we have prepared so that all your beginnings of cycles are intense, transformative and, of course, renewing. Trust the power of Numerology in your life!

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