What is Reiki?

    Reiki is a natural energizing, balancing and self-development therapy that treats the human being as a whole. Reiki was systematized in the early XNUMXth century in Japan by Mikao Usui and gradually spread to the rest of the world. Through the laying on of the therapist's hands, balance is regained in all areas: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

    It's a technique or Scientific Method energetic healing and self-healing, balances and harmonizes the bodies; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual thought for the act manifested in actions and their consequent reactions.

    Reiki is healing by laying on of hands. Reiki has a slight difference from other approaches of the genre: the energy radiated by the hands of the Reiki practitioner does not belong to the Reiki practitioner, but comes from a cosmic source, from which an inexhaustible and subtle energy flows, which is captured by the Reiki practitioner by the simple intention. to lay hands and transmit cosmic energy.

    The transmission of magnetic energy does not pass from one individual to another only by the imposition of hands, it can also be radiated by the look, by a gesture, by the simple presence and also at a distance, no matter how far away the healer from the person served is.

    Reiki does not work directly with the conscious and unconscious minds, but with the will in intention combined with the faith to heal that is in the receiver's own mind, as well as the amount of energy that the receiver receives is according to the needs of each organism.

    Reiki = Universal Energy King Energy from the Macro Cosmos that feeds the individual Micro Cosmos Ki Energy.

    The energy reiki é irradiated by the transmitter ou therapist needed protocols for receptor ou also information, through the imposition of hands, look, blow, intention. Its field of action is at first in the disease or effect of a psychosomatized cause, and that with some sessions, the detoxification of the affected physical system gradually occurs, modifying the structure of thinking.

    What is Reiki?
    Anete Lusina / Pexels

    REIKI: It acts in the balance of the systems, harmonizing the mind, restores the energies for health. It is a complementary energy replacement therapy to conventional medicine, it accelerates and potentiates allopathic treatments.

    Our body and our psyche work through instincts, impulses, thoughts, words, actions… it's energy that goes where we want to go.

    When the bodies, physical and mental, come into balance with the natural forces of life, the process of harmony of emotions begins, which amplifies the divine protective light, in each one according to what he believes, feels, thinks and speaks. When the emotional is harmonized, it creates the ability to resolve material issues with less stressful impulses, due to the mind improving concentration, expanding the vision, therefore harmonic emotions the body is healthy.

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    Everything that occurs to us comes from what we think. Each person is what they think they are, so improve yourself so you can attract all the abundance of the Universe. What is around us is Rei energy, which can be called Divine, at all times the energy is naturally in each of us and when it finds the action force that is health or vital energy, called Ki, the results are possible and satisfactory according to the wishes and ideals of each one.

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