What is dowsing and radionics?

What is dowsing and radionics?

No matter what the belief or religion, it is impossible not to notice that human beings emanate and absorb energy at all times. This force is responsible for determining an individual's mood, health, emotions and feelings. It is like a constantly tuned antenna, which receives and propagates frequencies. Imbalances and disharmonies can disrupt this exchange, causing serious emotional, psychological and health problems. Just as we go to the doctor when we have a stomachache, for example, we need to seek help when feeling negative or unhealthy energy vibrations.

Dowsing and Radionics are the two main techniques available to take care of this problem. They have similar names and are often confused, as they have methods capable of amplifying energy absorption and transmission reactions. In addition, they can correct and identify possible sources that propagate harmful radiation and energy found in environments, objects or people.

The professionals who perform these techniques are able to take care of the reception, transmission and emission of energies, which are invisible and practically imperceptible, but which circulate around people daily, and can affect the physical, energetic and spiritual.

What is Radiesthesia and how does it work?

Radiesthesia (also called Radiesthesia) is a pseudoscience, that is, there is no scientific proof that the promised results will be delivered by those who practice it. According to this technique, some individuals are sensitive to radiation (also called energies), emitted by elements of nature and by living beings. In practice, in addition to helping people's health, professionals in this area can find groundwater in places where wells can be drilled, for example.

The name of the technique comes from the junction of two terms: the Latin word “radium”, which means “radiation”, and the Greek word “aisthesis”, translated as “perception by the senses”. It is done by radomantes, who use pendulums, sticks and other instruments to analyze, transmit and absorb energies and radiations in order to correct them. Pendulums found in Egypt and dating back over 4.000 years prove the antiquity of this procedure.

As for the energies emitted and absorbed by the body, practitioners of the method claim that Radiesthesia captures cosmic energy (which is the vital and universal energy of life, also called chi, ki, prana and other names), through the head and of the crown chakra, and distributes it to the rest of the body. This force is emitted by humans and other living beings, in addition to the Sun, Moon and elements of nature.

How does the pendulum work in Radiesthesia?

The pendulum is the main instrument of the Radiesthesia technique. But what is the pendulum? It is an object that serves as a weight hanging from a strong and flexible wire, so that it can move. Of course, there are pendulums made with crystals, but the material matters little in Radiesthesia. Having a pendulum, whatever it is made of, is enough for Radiesthesia to be performed.

The reason why not everyone can handle this object lies in the fact that the one who does it needs to be endowed with sensitivity, necessary to identify possible imbalances and diseases, in order to work a complete cure. The specialist in Radiesthesia uses the pendulum performing clockwise and counterclockwise movements, with the aim of identifying these ailments, based on the interpretation of their own sensitivity.

In addition to movements with the intention of identifying these imbalances, the professional can ask the pendulum questions, which will respond with “yes” or “no”, which can help to understand the origins of certain evils and certain disharmonies.

There are also those who ask: why a pendulum? Why this specific object? And the answer is that this instrument, which remains in a single and constant movement, is capable of finding microvibrations that can be felt by those who have the sensitivity necessary to perform the technique.

Benefits of Radiesthesia

The main benefits of Radiesthesia are:

  • cleansing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit;
  • adjustment of environments (such as home and work);
  • location of energetic diseases;
  • assistance in locating missing people, objects and animals;
  • identification of compatibility or incompatibility of services, projects, people and locations;
  • self-knowledge and personal development.

Change the energy of the house with Radiesthesia

If you feel the energy of your house heavy or if the residents easily have health problems, it may be time to hire a dowser to solve the problem. Since cavemen and ancient Egypt and China, this technique has been used to obtain good energy quality in the house. Today the professionals who perform this service analyze the quality of the soil and subsoil, in order to address the imbalances that permeate the site.

To complete their diagnoses, they use pendulums, aura meters and a radionic table. The instruments, coupled with the sensitivity of the professional, guarantee the exact analysis of the environment, giving precision to solve the situation. This service is not only done in buildings, consolidated houses can also be contemplated. Although Radiesthesia is not a scientifically recognized practice, it is necessary for a professional in the area to make the necessary identifications and corrections, in order to provide a harmonious home.

What is Radionics and how does it work?

Radionics is also a pseudoscience and claims that diseases can be diagnosed and cured through an energy (electromagnetic radiation) similar to radio waves. The method was developed in 1909 by the American Albert Abrams, who made a great fortune by renting equipment to carry out the practice he developed.

Also known as “Radionic Table Therapy”, this technique assumes that if we can measure and identify radiation, we can also change the vibratory patterns emitted and received by emanating specific vibrations.

There are two main types of radionic treatments: the first uses electronic equipment to emit certain frequencies in radio waves, which are supposed to be responsible for altering and correcting someone's vibratory patterns. These equipments, in addition to being expensive, are large and complex to handle. The second treatment is performed without the use of equipment, relying only on the sensitivity of the professional, who uses his hands and his psyche in order to change the patient's vibratory patterns.

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How does a query work?

The consultation of Radiesthesia and Radionics can be done when the patient wants and last approximately an hour and a half. Professionals use techniques and instruments to do the proper analysis and problem solving. It works as a therapy and has the following functions: balance chakras and energy points distributed throughout the body; assist in self-healing of energy-influenced diseases; reduce and treat trauma; help balance emotions; and caring for unbalanced and disharmonious relationships.

What is the difference between Radiesthesia and Radionics?

In general, Radiesthesia and Radionics have the same objective: to diagnose and correct negative energy patterns and vibrations that cause diseases, disharmonies and imbalances.

While Radiesthesia is based on the sensitivity of the professional, who only feels the energy through microvibrations of a pendulum placed in movements over the patient's head, Radionics treats using electromagnetic waves. This means that while the former deals purely with vital and universal energy, the latter deals with electromagnetic vibrations.

The two techniques are not opposed. They complement each other, as they can be performed together to identify the ills that affect the patient and how it is possible to correct them, in order to align the whole (body, mind and spirit), promoting well-being and harmony, freeing -o from illness and other imbalances.

These methods can help you if you are bothered by the energy you receive and emanate. However, it is important to remember two things:

  1. Not everyone can apply the technique, as the professionals who perform it have studied for it.
  2. Bear in mind that both methodologies are pseudosciences – that is, there is no scientific proof of their effectiveness. So, if you are experiencing any clinical condition – physical or emotional illness – seek medical help. And, if you have authorization, make use of these procedures as auxiliary therapies. Don't neglect your health!
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