What is a mother?

    What is a mother?

    A wise man was once asked what a mother is. From the depths of his soul, the sage replied:

    “A mother is a life-giving source, a mother is a forest whose heart has hidden a secret as old as the mountains, a secret of renewal and, like nature, which is renewed every day, the mother reappears more perfect, more beautiful, more mother”. – Ivan Bottion

    In my view, being a mother goes beyond the act of motherhood. Anyone can have a mother's attitude when holding a stranger, when listening to a distressed person, when advising someone who asks for help, in short, when having a feminine look towards the other.

    It is from this perspective that I chose this definition of mother to start today's text. Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) does not lack, in a way, this mission of a mother as it connects us with the source (God, Universe, or whatever name your belief uses) to nourish the life that inhabits our body. physicist.    

    It is the art that unblocks the interrupted flow of energy at a point of our body to renew it with each touch of our hands, with each practice of the art of JSJ, whether through self-help or through the hands of a therapist, like the mother who takes care of a wound.

    It's the "chicken soup", that mother's lap that dissolves worry when we hold the thumb, remember? It is the feeling of harmony that our body feels when we take care of it in our daily lives, like the mother that nourishes her offspring daily.

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    And for our pets, hold with the left hand between the two front paws and with the right hand where the neck (cervical) ends and the spine begins. Stay for a while until you feel the pulse. We are in this way working on unconditional love (from a mother, right?) and the abundance of life force. Then, with the left hand, hold the inside of the right rear ankle and with the left hand, the tailbone. Stay for a while until you feel the pulse. With these steps, your pet will be reconnected to the spiritual source, your worry will decrease, in addition to being excellent for animals that have suffered abuse.

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