What is a crystalline energy vortex?

    Lately, much has been said about Crystalline Energy, Photon Belt, Crystal Children, Lightbody, Starseed, Divine Essence, Planetary Ascension, Star Beings such as Pleiadians, Sirians, Arcturians, Andromedans, etc.

    The Earth did not come about by chance.

    Rather, it is a very well designed project, to serve as a School of Souls at the level of consciousness. The Laws that govern the Universe are so perfect that it is difficult to even imagine them, let alone understand them. But human consciousness has reached the stage that now allows us to understand a little bit of this whole mechanism.

    The Earth as we see it, through matter, that is, through the five physical senses, is a illusion. This illusion is caused by the TEMPORARY AMNESIA that our Spirit suffers while experiencing in a physical body. The time allotted for such learning is running out. The consciousnesses that have reached their goal now begin to receive back their original KNOWLEDGE. As in the Parable of the Tares and the Wheat, the unfit will have a new opportunity in another school, which will not be Earth.

    I will try to put here in a nutshell how the process is being completed.

    When creating the Earth, knowing that it would spend millions of years in the DARK SHADOW OF THE UNIVERSE, “CRYSTAL VORTICES OR LIGHT PORTALS” were projected at strategic points on the Planet. These Portals are also called "wormholes", which is where the Extraterrestrial Beings that collaborate with this evolutionary process of humanity are able to communicate with each other and with the intraterrestrial civilization, also called AGHARTA.

    What is a crystalline energy vortex?

    It was through these Portals that some extraterrestrial civilizations settled here from time to time, such as the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Incas, who were actually all Mayans, as they came from the Pleiadian star with the same name. The Sirians also arrived here, who left the Pyramids of Egypt, the Lemurians and the Atlanteans, among others, at different times.

    These Portals could be opened or closed, according to the needs within Project Earth. They were strategically arranged on our Planet, and linked together by Lines also called CHRISTIAN LEY LINES. We need to understand that Christ was the creator of Projeto Terra, therefore, its creator and its governor. Christ, Crystal, Christic, Crystalline, everything is the same thing, that is, a Pure Energy.

    These Ley Lines circulate crystalline energy in 12 Dimensions. Therefore, humanity, which has always lived in 3D and 4D, could not take notice, as it was not within the reach of their understanding.

    Since 1993, when the Earth, in its orbit, began to enter the Photon Belt, it also began to receive a “charge” of high crystalline voltage, and began a process of gradual activation of these Gates and Ley Lines. Each year, a larger band of Light bathed the Earth, until in 2012 its entire orbit was inside the so-called Photon Belt, which is a very strong beam of Crystalline Light coming from the Center of the Galaxy. This new energy made it possible for Earth to enter the Fifth Dimension.

    It's that Belt of Light that is activating one by one all the Portals of Light and the Lines that connect them. It is as if, in a dark environment, candles began to be lit, one by one, until the environment became full light. This energy can already be felt, as we have in each of us the INTERNAL CRYSTAL, WHICH IS OUR THIRD EYE AND THE PINEAL GLAND.

    So much so that Science proves such crystals inside our head, where the Gland is. NEW CRYSTALLINE VORTICES, or Portals of Light, are also being created. In all places where the energy of the human being is activated, such as Holistic Therapies rooms, spiritist centers, meditation places, among others, whenever anchored in the Light, they end up creating a new Vortex there. A new Ley Line is automatically created, which will connect you to other Portals. And so, the web or GRID, as it is called, is formed.

    This is so evident that if anyone wants to try it, I invite you to come at least once to receive clarification and feel this energy in the room of our therapeutic space. Or you can frequent other spaces, but go with the intention of really opening up to the new.

    Each awakened human is transformed into a new Crystalline Vortex. The Planetary Transition takes place through this grid that will envelop the Earth. At the moment that all spaces are closed, no low frequency energy will be able to enter our Planet. On the other hand, if every part of the Earth is illuminated with this Christ Light, all entities that delight in the Shadows will be exposed and will have to abandon their posts.

    Human beings who do not activate their Crystal, when they disincarnate, will also leave this Planet. It's all about vibration. Darkness does not exist where there is Light. It is the separation of the wheat and the chaff as announced over 2 years ago.

    The moment each of you activates your Crystal, the journey home truly begins. It begins to transform the carbon-based body into a crystalline-based body. Begin to empower yourself with your infinite knowledge. Start lifting all the veils. It actually begins to transform itself into a Body of Light.

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