What does it mean to have a mature soul and an immature soul?

If during your life, you ask yourself “What can I expect from this life?” and you answer honestly to yourself, the quality of your answer will contain the maturity of your soul. This maturity is not measured by age. The soul exists beyond time. Maturity is measured by the way you interact with your reality.

The immature soul is always full of desires, ambitions and goals. These kinds of immaturity are futile goals like achieving power, getting money, and strict religious devotion.

What does it mean to have a mature soul and an immature soul?
We all know that achieving goals takes time and all these ambitions are in the future tense. For immature souls, there is a suspicion that the present time is what really matters, but they don't know how to value it. This type of person who carries an immature soul only sees the present tense as a stepping stone to their successful future, which is wrong in a way. They forget the knowledge that our hearts have, that everything is constant transformation and that we should all devote some time to creating a reality that is good for everyone.

The mature soul has experienced the nature of desires, the constant variability of the world where nothing is lasting, everything is dialectical, changeable. A mature soul wants everyone to live in an interconnected state, where each individual can see the whole in himself, where everyone is part of the same organism. There is a fundamental shift in understanding, where everyone can visualize the energy expressed in infinity.


What does it mean to have a mature soul and an immature soul?Most of humanity is characterized by the dominant Ego, which guides and leads. What is this Ego? When we are born, we start to develop a communication with the environment around us. We develop our own identity in the world.

This elementary sense of possession – “my identity” – is the foundation of the Ego. The Ego cannot approach God from this deep unconscious instinct of possession: my God. They can only imagine God as a transcendental being, because they do not know that God lives in all of us, and that we must nurture good deeds, good thoughts and good attitudes to further ennoble our inner God.

The identity linked to the Ego is shaped by the responses received from people in our environment, when they answer this question “What am I is what I like?”.

The Ego is, therefore, a social product, and it is only capable of providing false answers to the question: “What am I, is what I like?”. These answers are false because they are based on feedback from other people, not our own existence. The Ego is our identification with ideas, emotions, actions and experience. In the eyes of the Ego, someone who is passive and does nothing is a zombie. Because, from that aspect, our mind is empty, without creativity.

Chicken Heart

There is a different way of interacting with reality when you are acting from your heart. It's putting your best, fullest presence into everything you do. The “mature soul”, as we have already said, is not measured by age, but how you navigate reality. It is knowing that we are all students of the cosmos, to be humble and noble at the same time. It's being masters without having to say. It is the creation of our thoughts. Interact with people knowing that we are all one, and therefore, treat them with compassion.

A mature soul is simply a name, a label for those who see the pattern of reality and yet manage to open a channel of real change every day. See that everyone around you deserves attention and understanding. 


• Text translated and adapted by Natalia Iannone from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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