What do you need to transform in your life?


it translates into mental construction, but can best be understood as inner resolution and is a simple and meaningful formula that helps to create focus and potentiate the power of the mind and the best aspects of the personality.

When using saṅkalpa you should keep the same for some practices, be it meditation or relaxation, and repeat it three times at the beginning and three times at the end of the practice. Also, it is recommended that the saṅkalpa have few words, always the same in order to keep them fixed in the thought, choose a short phrase like “everything is fine”, or else “I accept myself as I am”.

What do you need to transform in your life?This resolution needs to be an affirmation, so instead of saying “I'm not sad”, you should say “I'm happy”. To help with this process, follow these recommendations:

  • Focus your willpower;
  • Separate what is essential from what is expendable;
  • Work not only on the conscious level, but also on the unconscious and subconscious levels of your mind;
  • Repeat your saáą…kalpa with deep relaxation;
  • Remember that whoever creates your own reality and builds your life is yourself;
  • Avoid any and all conflicts with past statements;
  • Look for a deeper cause to build your resolution;
  • The saáą…kalpa needs to be brief and easy;
  • Always choose affirmative sentences, full of positivity;
  • Write your resolution on a piece of paper and stick it somewhere you'll look at it often, like the mirror or the fridge door.
  • Associate an image with its resolution, to reinforce it;
  • Don't try to repress any negative emotions that arise;
  • Choose well what you will mentalize, because it will happen!

Finally, heed this warning: Practicing saáą…kalpa is a way of purifying your thoughts and keeping your focus on one thing at a time. Also, it works to discipline your mind and organize your day to day.

However, it doesn't mean that if you imagine something, it will actually happen in the future. Do not believe that doing the saáą…kalpa will make your resolutions happen as if by magic, as this does not coincide with reality.

It is necessary to take this tool exactly as it is: a way that helps in the accomplishments, leaving aside a fanciful attitude. Good habits!


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