We came to learn from our family relationships

    The environment in which we allow ourselves to choose to be reborn is the one most suited to our learning. All family members have a reason to be in a certain position within the family: father, mother, brother, aunt, uncle and others. It was with them that we agreed to return to this third dimension to learn and evolve together as spiritual beings that we are.

    With them, we go through the best moments, as well as difficulties and painful situations. They are the ones who make us see, in front of a mirror, that we make the same mistakes as them, but that we often don't see and are usually beliefs built or resumed from other incarnations together, repeating patterns. This is a great opportunity to look at the window of the soul through the other and, in this way, recover and rescue what was lost together and together.

    Chico Xavier expresses himself well in this sentence: ''You were born in the home you needed. You wore the physical body you deserved. You live in the best place that God could provide you, according to your advance…''

    We came to learn from our family relationships

    There will never be a greater and purer function than learning. But what learning? Each has its own lessons learned and the collective conscience of the family. If we have the awareness and discernment to learn from each situation a learning or a lesson, together we will fulfill this mission of supporting, having compassion for each other, having calm and tranquility to deal with intemperance, taking great steps towards evolution while spiritual beings, who are part of a committed family collective consciousness.

    Ready-made recipe does not exist, nor will it ever exist! What exists is an awakening to tread a new path, with new beliefs, different behaviors and new constructions of positive and collective patterns. A united family can awaken other families and other nuclei.

    Walking is the way to pave the way…

    The journey of self-knowledge is only painful if we don't allow ourselves to accept seeing the inside from the outside (through the mirror). If not, life will be a great journey towards self-liberation.

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