Want to know how to choose the ideal plant for your home?

One of the ways to preserve our physical, mental and spiritual health is to stay connected to nature. It may seem difficult amid the urban chaos of those who live in cities, but it's not!

By including nature in space – whether indoors or outdoors – we connect, even if unconsciously, to it. The result is more productivity, lower levels of stress and anxiety, improved sleep quality and harmony between body and mind. In other words: more well-being in our life.

So the suggestion is that you invest in plants and flowers and keep your home alive!

You can place them anywhere, including your dorm, if that's not uncomfortable for you. I confess: I myself put flowers in the room and, when they start to wither, they release an odor that bothers me. Then I take them out and replace them with new ones.

We can see plants as an investment in our quality of life! Therefore, it is essential to know how to choose which species to buy so as not to let it die due to lack or excess of water, lack of space and/or adequate light.

Want to know how to choose the ideal plant for your home?
Franckreporter / Getty Images Signature / Canva

Here's a super important tip to help you choose! You don't need to be an expert in plants, as that is up to the professionals who work in the nurseries.

To facilitate the work of specialists, you can guide them in relation to the space where you want to place the plant. In this way, they indicate the best species for each location.

Plant species are categorized into full sun, partial shade and shade. Therefore, observe the place where you want to place the plant and guide the store attendant... For example: if the place has a lot of sun, practically all day, ask him to tell you which species grow in full sun. The same thing if your space is in partial shade (the sun shines during a period of the day) or in the shade (there is no sun).

Another important issue to take into account is related to your lifestyle. Plants need water to develop and survive, however each species demands an ideal amount.

Want to know how to choose the ideal plant for your home?
Milivanili-742747 / Pixabay / Canva

If you are the type that will forget to water your plant daily, opt for more resistant species that do not require daily watering. Anyway, whenever you choose a species, learn to hydrate it so you don't overdo it with water and drown the plant.

If your desire is to have a tree, such as a jabuticabeira, a lemon tree, etc., inform yourself about planting and root growth. Some species need more space to develop.

  • Analyze the changes that spring promotes in your life
  • Enjoy the advantages of being in contact with nature
  • Identify if your plant is sick

So, did you like the tips?

I'm Karis Brito, holistic organization and interior consultant and my goal is to provide well-being to people who want to make their home a refuge, who don't feel comfortable in their own home or who feel that life doesn't go well. I offer solutions for harmonizing, decorating, organizing and aromatizing the house.

Want to ask more questions? Please contact me. It will be a joy to help you!

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