Using dowsing to improve health

    Dowsing, although not yet well known in Spain, is an ancient technique that assesses a person's energy levels. In it, sensitivity to energies and radiation is studied, analyzed and improved, so that the person feels better, better disposed, confident and stronger.

    The radiations studied by dowsing originate from all sides: of objects, animals, plants, water, the sun, other people, electronics, environments and anything else in our daily lives, including the Earth itself.  

    All the energy and radiation released by everything around us affects us in some way, even if we don't realize it. The energies that affect us most are released by ourselves, originating from our feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions. But, all the others also have power over us in some way.  

    Dowsing understands each of these energies and makes it possible to classify each one of them, for different purposes, such as checking a good place to build a company, the best environment for a wedding, to identify people who don't like you and so many other goals.

    Using dowsing to improve health

    But, the technique has been widely used for the prevention and treatment of diseases. With radiesthesia, it is possible to detect the bad energies that cause illness and, then, begin a work of energetic rebalancing. This includes working with negative feelings that are embedded in us, such as hurt, anger, sadness, fear (which is very present when a person is sick), among others.

    If we release bad energies, we are not only destroying ourselves, but also attracting even more negative energies into our bodies, which can cause even more problems.

    By knowing the energies that surround us and that we emanate to the world, we have the possibility of reversing possible negative situations or increase even more the amount of positive energies. This brings much more quality to our vibrational pattern and, consequently, to our life.

    The ways of treating radiesthesia are different. In some cases, a person can reverse a bad energy picture with some changes in the environment and positive elements. In others, maybe it's better that she avoids going to the place. And so on.

    Anyway, it is possible to work and correct the energy levels of the places where we live and of ourselves, and that is what dowsing does, through objects and shapes that transmit positive energies, such as graphics, crystals, pyramids and sticks, in addition to of cleanings and changes that may be necessary.

    When the energy balance is restored, the patient's health is the first to realize the benefits โ€“ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

    Text written by Giovanna Frugis from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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