Untangle yourself: The art of letting go

    Life constantly asks us for renewal, which is clearly demonstrated by our own life cycle.

    We are born, and in our growth process, we are renewing our organic materials so that they adapt to the moment of life that we find ourselves, at each age a new and specific body configuration for the moment. And so, with each day lived something in us ceases to manifest itself, to give way to something new that will take over this space left. 

    So it is with us, so it is with nature and so it is with life.

    And as part of an organic and necessary movement for the natural flow, resisting this dynamic generates many conflicts and emotional oscillations.

    It is a movement that should not be sudden, because there is a period of acceptance for this process, and it should be gradual and delicate.

    A good way to start the practice of detachment is indoors., opening one closet at a time and evaluating each belonging that no longer serves you, removing the stagnant things that become toxins from the house, that is, objects you don't use, clothes you don't like or haven't used in years, things that you consider ugly, things that are broken or chipped, old letters, notes, dead plants, old papers, old or holed clothes and shoes…

    This first detox of home energy already makes you more cheerful, light, creative and ready to direct this action to other areas of your life, creating a new look for new changes.

    Changes that may involve habits, relationships, attitudes, emotions and situations that we insist on continuing and often no longer make sense for who we have become.

    Untangle yourself: The art of letting go

    We accumulate habits that become harmful to us and that we know we don't need anymore, as well as relationships that wear out our energies, making us lose strength that, if directed at ourselves, would be much more productive. Or also emotions and attitudes that no longer fit into our routine, but knowing of their existence brings us a false tranquility.

    Life is movement, it is moving forward, and even if accumulating gives us the feeling of permanence, when we insist on paths that no longer serve us, there is a delay that prevents us from living new experiences for fear of leaving what is already there. known. But sometimes, what is already known, doesn't do us good, doesn't lift us, doesn't push us forward, being just a weight that pulls us hard to where it doesn't complete us anymore.

    Although the fear is great, the next step will make you stronger, making you realize that the security you feel with what you have is just an impression and that the best thing to do is to let go and go without baggage, because then your path it will be much smoother and more beneficial, and you will have new learnings and meanings for what you really need in your life, and that in all aspects, whether material goods, personal experiences, habits or relationships.

    Letting go is an art, which puts you in contact with the many people you were and will still be, bringing good reflections on how life is changeable, transitory and cyclical, and following this flow, it is possible to perceive with serenity and confidence that we are going on a healthy path and conducive to our growth.

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