Unraveling the Chakras: The Seventh and Last of the 7 Major Chakras

We come to the seventh and final chakra to be described here: Sahasrara -“The thousand-petalled lotus”.


crown chakra

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara ("The thousand-petalled lotus")

Mantra: Aum.

Petals: 1.000.

Location: On top of the head, right in the center.

Colors: Violet and White.

Element: All elements.

Functions: To radiate human consciousness so that it connects with the Divine Energy, assimilating it and channeling it to the other physical chakras.

It is located at the top of the head and is the seat of spirituality. In balance, it promotes elevation of consciousness. Without energy, it disconnects us from the spiritual meaning of life. Activated in excess, it generates arrogance, arrogance and fear of death. It is also linked to the functioning of the brain.

Unraveling the Chakras: The Seventh and Last of the 7 Major Chakras

Influence on emotional  

When in imbalance: Loss of the soul's dream, disenchantment, insanity, madness, crystallization, negativism, self-pity, separation, soul pain, suffering, agony due to lack of understanding of the true dimension of being.

When balanced: Realization of the soul path, capacity for transformation, spiritualization, understanding of the highest, access to the Akashic Records, the Higher Self, deep faith and trust in truth, liberation from form, destruction of the imperfect, strength, courage, steadfastness, power to command, to lead with absolute security and lead of minds, ability to abstract and understand great causes and issues. Serve with universal love and dedication.

Influence on the physique  

When out of balance: Depression, insomnia, endocrine problems, tumors, nerve inflammation, ear and eye problems, immune problems and premature aging.

When in balance: liberation from ego, detachment, understanding of spiritual powers, freedom from materiality, enlightened wisdom, loss of fear of death, transcendent courage, communion with the All and understanding of the eternity of the soul.

How do you balance it?

Focus on imagining a crown in violet, white, or gold on top of your head. Try to get in touch with yourself. Meditation. Contemplate vast landscapes from some high place, where it is possible to glimpse the horizon, the sky and the earth; eat foods such as: cassava, banana, onion, garlic, pear, açaí, eggplant, red cabbage, blackberry, beetroot, artichoke, fig, plum,

Working your chakras is good for health, well-being, fitness, love, friendship, professional success, abundance, prosperity, wealth, abundance, emotional balance, creativity, intuition... .

The idea is that you, through changing the pattern of your thoughts, work internally to seek balance on all levels of your being, starting with changing what you think about yourself.

Before wanting to change the world, we all have an obligation to do something much more difficult, which is to change ourselves. Because when we change ourselves, we become examples that other people want to follow, and so we set off a chain reaction. That's how the world changes. Be yourself an instrument of transformation.

Read more about chakras:

  • first chakra
  • Second chakra
  • third chakra
  • Fourth chakra
  • Fifth chakra
  • Sixth chakra
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