Understanding the symbology of colors to decorate your home

color symbology has been studied since antiquity, for some scholars they represent the divine, the sacred and the profane. In Christianity, red represents divine love and the Holy Spirit. In Greece, for example, the ceilings of orthodox Catholic churches are red.

In Arab culture, the meaning of colors presents contradictions. The blue means faithfulness and sadness, the yellow wisdom and jealousy, the red love and cruelty, and the black dignity and mourning.

color theory

The work of the German writer and philosopher Goethe, 'Theory of Colors', is a reference in studies on the subject. The book published in 1810 brings a deep approach to the influence of colors in our lives. For the author, red is linked to the planet Mars, represents love, the warrior spirit and has a provocative character. Blue, in turn, takes the individual to a stage of full contemplation.

As cores no marketing

No marketing, as colors are important tools for the visual identity of brands and relationship with consumers/clients. They play a prominent role in the creation of websites and promotional materials. Red, for example, leads to action and its use is strong in advertisements for sales and on the facades of food establishments.

Symbology of colors in decoration

As colors influence us, define the identity of companies and, in decoration, show our personality. Even with this importance, few people pay attention to them. Decorators explain that the first step in defining them is establishing what features you want to print on the spot. Learn here how to use symbology of colors in decoration.

White: purity/tranquility

It goes well in any environment and gives a feeling of visual amplitude. White is recommended in bathrooms, kitchens and hallways. Used in excess causes a little discomfort, try to combine with other colors.

Gray: spiritual powers/harmony

Gray is linked to moonlight, mysticism, intellectuality and consciousness. The color has a futuristic and elegant character and can be used in decoration contemporary. Appliances and silver furniture give a modern and sober air.

yellow: welcome

It also represents security, optimism and happiness. Yellow is suitable for places where the family gathers, such as the living room. Choose lighter shades of yellow so you don't strain your eyes.

Red: strong feelings

Passion, love, sensuality, power, anger and danger. Don't exaggerate the red so you don't convey aggression. The color is recommended for places where no one stays for a long time such as backyards, living rooms and winter gardens.

green: luck/ renovation

Nature, health, fertility, harmony, employment and money. Do not abuse dark tones, as they represent envy and tiredness.

Understanding the symbology of colors to decorate your homeBlue: serenity

Introspection, wisdom, trust, solitude, truth and beauty. Light tones reinforce the features. Blue is very common in hospitals and clinics. The color is also great for bedrooms, especially for babies.


Violet: mysticism/nobility

Color still represents creativity, elegance and intellectuality. Light shades of violet represent calm. Do not exaggerate the color so as not to bring melancholy and sadness.

turquoise: generosity

Use turquoise to attract wealth and expansiveness.

Brown: solidity

It conveys seriousness, stability and sophistication. Brown is dominated by red, but complements blue and green.

black: sophistication

Black also confers strength and mystery. Use with caution so as not to flatten environments and not attract negativity.

The study of colors is complex and deserves our attention. Try to apply the symbolism of colors in decoration your home and count their effects on your life. Read more on the subject.

Written by Sumaia Santana from the Eu Sem Fronteiras team

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