Tips for meditating more deeply

If you practice meditation or have meditated a few times throughout your life, the question is: have you ever been able to meditate deeply? How was your experience? Being deeply focused on meditation is not as simple as it seems, but if you want to have this experience, we have separated some tips that can help you.

First of all, you need to worry about where you are going to meditate. Choose a quiet environment, away from outside noises and, preferably, where you can close the door so that nothing and no one interrupts you.

2- Posture

If your posture is not correct, you will certainly not be able to reach a state of deep meditation. If you already practice meditation, you should already know that it should be performed in a meditative position, unlike the relaxation that usually happens lying down. So, look for a straight-back chair or a floor cushion. The tip is not to meditate on something so relaxing that you fall asleep, but comfortable enough for you to perform the procedure.

3- Lighting

The dimmer light helps to relax the mind. If possible, opt for low-intensity natural light. Candles are great options, if you can't use a regular light bulb with low brightness. Never use fluorescents.

4- Time

Perform the meditation outside of turbulent times. Choose a time when you don't have to rush to do any other activities. Turn off the phones and disconnect from the outside world.

Tips for meditating more deeply

5- Stretching

Before starting, the body must be relaxed. To relieve the tension of the day, stretch your back. Sitting, rotate your torso to both sides or do the yoga cat pose. The shoulders are also important, with a straight back, inhale and lift them towards the ears and then let them fall.

6- Breathing

As we know, breathing is a key part of meditation. So concentrate as hard as you can, feel the breath coming in and out, and feel the oxygen reaching every part of your body.

7 - Food

The food you eat has a direct impact on your state of mind. So, before meditating, eat light and healthy.

Some benefits of meditation:

• Lowers blood pressure;

• Reduces anxiety;

• Decreases headaches, insomnia, muscle pain and joint problems;

• Increases the production of serotonin;

• Improves mood;

• Improves the immune system;

• Decreases anxiety;

• Increases emotional stability;

• Increases creativity;

• Easier troubleshooting.

Text written by Natalia Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.

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