Tips for an existential crisis

We human beings are free beings and fully responsible for our own misery or happiness. But, we often start to question ourselves about the true meaning of life, and then, the existential crisis can happen. But, do you know what it is?

We can define existential crisis as the moment when we start to question our own life and its true purposes. According to the philosophy of existentialism, we are drawn to a meaning of life, not a specific form of god or divinity. We are a mixture of our desires, choices and goals.

So it's up to each of us to look for a meaning that drives our lives, whether through charity, work, a relationship, family, religion, hobby, children, or anything else that make us look to the future.

Every experience we live, whether painful or pleasant, can be a cause of existential crisis. That is to say, it can be caused by absolutely nothing or by a specific event, such as the loss of a relative or a job.

Individuals who are going through a moment of existential crisis may wonder what the true meaning of life is, if anyone really cares about them, if they will find someone who really believes and understands them, etc.

The existential crisis most often occurs in children and adults who are considered gifted, that is, who have a superior intelligence in relation to other individuals. This is because this superior intelligence allows them to observe the world in a different way.

But, surely, at some point in your life, you must have lived that phase where everything around you seems to annoy or irritate you. Emotions and feelings don't help much either, and nerves are on edge. Have you ever had that thought of wanting to disappear, disappear and be alone, without thinking about problems, about others, right? We've all been through this.

Tips for an existential crisis
Engin Akyurt / Pexels

At those times we don't feel like doing anything at all, not even getting out of our bed. But, despite that, there are some very simple tips and attitudes that can help you overcome this moment, and will bring you answers that you may have been looking for in recent days, times. Always remember that the only person who can change this reality is yourself. Here are some of our tips for overcoming the existential crisis:

Tip 1: Recognize the moment

The first tip to face the existential crisis is to recognize that you are experiencing one. If you are questioning the purpose of your existence or the meaning of your life, you may be experiencing this moment.

According to existentialism, each of us has the power to choose the parameters of our existence. Deciding, without the help of someone, to give meaning to your life, can help you solve this difficult moment.

Tip 2: Ask questions

One of the questions in several areas of behavioral psychology is: 'Why?'. And that's exactly the kind of questioning we should have in these moments of crisis. Why are you feeling, acting this way? Try to understand what caused this problem. Most of the time, the answer to that question can show us a side of ourselves that we don't want to see. Don't be afraid of the answer, go towards the root of the problem, because only it can set you free.

Tips for an existential crisis
Maddog 229 / Pexels

Seriously reflect on what motivates you, what bothers you, what makes you happy. You may come to understand that your old goals and objectives were very significant and you may also discover a new meaning for your life.  

A good tip is to try to imagine yourself in the shoes of someone who would give advice to an individual who was experiencing the same problem. Always remember that tomorrow is a new and beautiful day, a new opportunity for you to seek self-fulfillment, happiness and make changes in your life.

Every moment of reflection serves to get you to know yourself more deeply. The more self-awareness you have, the easier it will be to develop satisfaction, love and esteem with yourself. This is essential for anyone to have a full and fully balanced life.

Tip 3: Stay in control

My job stresses me out, my boyfriend just annoys me and my family irritates me deeply. Have you ever had any of these thoughts? So stop playing the victim of everyone and everything around you. Take control of your life, your choices, your desires. In short, this means saying that no one and nothing is capable of stressing you out, of upsetting you, of hurting you, of annoying you… When you understand this, you start to bring all the responsibility to yourself and stop being the victim. Only you can choose how you will react to a given situation.

Most of the time, we end up blaming others and other things for our existential crises, but leaving the victim role is much smarter, since then we will have enough emotional intelligence to face problems and challenges.

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In moments of crisis, take a deep breath, count to a thousand if necessary, but ask yourself the best way to react to this moment. Make the crisis fleeting. Start reacting to her differently right now and get where you want to be.

Tip 4: Seize the Opportunity

I consider existential crises as a great opportunity to use this to my own advantage. That's because, it's not always something totally negative and yes, it indicates that something is in urgent need of change.

The crisis can be a compass, indicating a change in attitude, in ideas, in direction, in belief. It is time to look internally and look for answers to our questions.

Don't be afraid to make changes. Only then will you achieve true happiness, better results and more fulfillment. Believe in all the power you have to reinvent yourself.

Tips for an existential crisis
Faculty of Martial Arts / Pexels

Never be afraid to fail. When you spot one, face it. This experience will really give you more opportunity and wisdom to grow and change.

Never take your insecurities out on the people around you and find success in the little everyday things.

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