The Why of the Pass?

When the human being becomes aware that he is part of God's creation and co-creator, he can be a conductor of fluids of harmony, balance and health.

It is using your mind and with the laying on of your hands in a positive way, trusting the creator, for everything He can transform. Aware and aware of this, let's understand what the pass is:

They are directed fluids with an aspect of improvement for themselves and for the other. The pass is the sanctuary of the best that is inside you, flowing positively.

It is energy directed, directed and controlled by the intention and will of the giver.

It is during the pass that the exchange of fluids takes place. It is energy from one individual to another, driven by will.

What is the pass for?

To select good fluids, administer and maintain them, dispensing with negative fluids.

The reason for the pass

So that, through this exchange and selection of good fluids, the organism of each being can be balanced and have health in all aspects: mental, physical and spiritual.

Through the centers of force or chakras, one can receive the fluids that are applied with the passes. The pass is an exchange in which you direct your best positively, using fluids to renew energies.

The Why of the Pass?
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This fluid is drawn from the universal fluid that feeds and activates the centers of force when the individual is receptive, both as a giver and as a receiver.

Health is directly related to the balance between spirit and matter, with the perispirit as an intermediary, which takes information and sensations to both.

When an internal or external factor goes out of balance, the pass can help, harmonizing these fluids naturally if the person who receives it is open to it.

The patient's participation is very important and necessary so that the pass has its restorative function, since everyone has free will and can open or close the doors of their body, mind and heart, receiving or not the energies through of the pass.

This participation does not only happen at the moment of the pass, but also in your true inner reform, to improve your vibratory pattern and get closer to good spirits.

It is necessary for the person to prepare himself to be able to benefit from the pass:

a) Preparation must begin with a sincere prayer, which opens a channel of connection with the Higher Plane.

b) Keep the mind clear of bad thoughts, such as backbiting, anger, hurt and hatred.

c) Believing that one is worthy or deserving of that energy that is transformed into a blessing, which good incarnate men and spirits of good will offer in addition to mercy.

d) Concentrate on what was received through the pass, not getting dispersed thoughts.

There are many forms of energies that human beings feed on. Some can be seen and touched, such as food and liquids that are provided by the Earth, and others are only felt, such as the energy that emanates from the Sun and Universal fluids, in addition to those that are sent by good spirits and are absorbed by the centers of force. .

The Why of the Pass?
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The force centers are the stores of this cosmic energy and also its distributors through all the etheric bodies of each being.

When one of these centers has excess or lack of energy, the person will enter the process of imbalance of this chakra, being necessary, for the redoing, passes aimed at rebalancing.

These power centers (chakras) work as follows:

- Crown chakra: It is the center of connection with the spiritual world and, when well balanced, is the gateway to mediumistic development through the epiphysis.

— Frontal Chakra: It is responsible for the development of clairvoyance, so it is considered the spiritual eye and also the activator of intelligence, linked to the pituitary.

- Throat chakra: The activator of the speech organs and the mediumistic audience, which must be used responsibly to be a good channel for the communicant spirit.

- Heart chakra: Controller of feelings, emotions and blood circulation.

— Gastric chakra: It manages all the functions of the digestive system, distributing the energies provided by food.

- Splenic chakra: It is the regulator of cosmic energies, which are eliminated by the pores after fulfilling their supply function.

- Gene chakra: Controller of activities related to sexual organs.

— Basic chakra: This center is also the controller of sexual activities and, when well balanced, these energies transform into intellectual energy in the brain.

The centers of force are located in the perispirit and communicate with the corresponding plexuses in the physical body through an electromagnetic field directly linked to the nervous system.

The Why of the Pass?
Syda Productions / Canva

It is for this reason that the habit of receiving the energies of the pass becomes so important in the lives of all people, at all ages. It is through this cleansing of negative energies and exchanges for divine, pure and positive energies that every human being maintains balance and health of body, mind and spirit.

After receiving the energies of the pass, it is up to each one to maintain this cleanliness through their own vibration, with healthy thoughts and feelings., in good and in love. Gratitude for receiving the cleansing pass increases the vibrational pattern, so positive energies settle with peace and harmony at home, at work, in the family and individually for each one who receives this fluid exchange.

The explanations and guidelines of the pass described here are part of one of the bibliographies, among others, that Casa de Conscientização e Cura dos Tarefeiros uses for years. This article is an excerpt from the book "The reason for the pass", written by DE Mariah, for information and spiritual and energetic education for everyone who opens and accepts awareness and healing in good, love and evolution.

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A big hug to everyone!

Dorothea Ruiz

President and director of the House of Consciousness and Healing of Taskers.

Link to YouTube – Canal dos Tarefeiros (click to access it)

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