The Steps of Ascension

    Beloved! What times are these! There is so much going on at once that we can barely make out the details. But there is movement like never before on this Planet. Indeed the old house is disappearing through the dust of the great demolition of the Third Dimension.

    FOLLOW THE DUST! It will show what comes after downloading. For now, your eyes are still blurry but it won't take long to see the great Planetary show. Follow the dust and you will be in the front row of the amphitheater that will present the most important piece within the scenario that envelops the entire Galaxy.

    Follow the dust, because, contrary to the chaos that it may seem, it will be through it that the Great Dimensional Portal of the Fifth Dimension will open. It is the door that we have been waiting for hundreds of thousands of years to finally open for Earth's humanity.

    You are climbing the steps of your soul's ascension. The long path finally arrives at the most awaited part by the Fractal of the Soul, which accepted the experience in a World of Atonements and Proofs, in the farthest point of the Source that supplies all the creatures of the infinite Universes.

    You've come this far! You managed to complete the walk. Although everyone who inhabits this beautiful Planet managed to complete the journey, only a third of them assimilated the lessons placed along the way. You are one of those victors! So now you need to climb the steps of the PODIUM that will lead you to the path of ascension.

    Your fractional version of the Soul is ready to be integrated into the higher versions. Now you are finally coming home. Some previous texts have already given you clues about this return and also about the integration of the Soul. Every day, this whole process will become more visible. Never before have there been so many opportunities as there is now. These are the ultimate definitions of Ascension.

    All of Earth's inhabitants are about to see the spectacular movement of Planetary Transition, however, as has been said before, not all are ready for ASCENSION. Ascension is an individual process. It depends on the current condition of each consciousness. It is necessary to reach a frequency level that makes it possible to cross the Portal of the Fifth Dimension. The magnetism imprinted in each consciousness will allow (or not) the opening for the multidimensional passage.

    The Steps of Ascension
    Jordan Bauer / Unsplash

    You, who are reading these words, are not here by accident. It is this magnetism that brings you to the zero point of the great return. Now the path will be smooth, for it is already known. It will also be much faster as there will be no more trials or atonements. The serene soul will finally appreciate the landscape and taste every detail that he had not noticed on the way out.

    But first you need to climb the steps of ascension. We can compare it to the water level of the sluices. A ship cannot go up if the water does not lift it. You are the ship now! The water is rising little by little until you can smoothly slide into the new level. That's why some swings occur and bring the feeling of imbalance.

    Trust! Nothing will ever be like before! But it will undoubtedly be much better! Now the way is up. The descent is no more! And as you go up, the panorama widens, for the vision goes further. Your consciousness gets rid of the old images and absorbs the new that unfolds. And everything is very fast!

    Watch more! Watch yourself! There are times when the step is very subtle, and this is almost imperceptible. But there are also some higher steps. And it is on these steps that you feel the change. It is often so large that it confuses you. At times, you don't even recognize yourself anymore. Do not panic! It's part of the process.

    How many of you ask yourself, "Who am I?" Others say, "I'm not the same anymore." Even today, a person sent me a message saying that, when separating his documentation, he had a strange feeling, because those documents were not hers. They seemed to belong to someone else. Yes it's true! Those documents belonged to her former SELF, that is, to her while she was on the lower rungs of the ladder of ascension.

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    And so other situations are happening to you as you go up. Many friendships are left behind. Relationships break down. Professions change. Certain habits change from water to wine. Radical changes happen. Yes, you are not the same anymore! What used to work for you now doesn't work for you anymore. This is ASCENSION! Taste the icing on the cake! You've waited so long for this moment! You have come this far with merit and deserve the podium. YOU WON! Go up the steps now! Everything is exactly as it should be! And you are where you deserved to be! Trust!

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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