The seven categories of the Bach Flower Remedy System

The floral system is easy to use, according to the wishes of its creator, the English physician Edward Bach. The Doctor. Bach wanted to understand the human being as a whole, to better treat diseases. He soon sensed that he must go beyond mere physical treatment, and began to reflect on the complex relationship between an individual and illness. He then followed the path of Homeopathy, later developing his own system, known by his name.

Prevention and cure happen when we locate the error within ourselves and suppress this defect by carefully improving the virtue that will destroy it; not directly fighting error, but developing these virtues so much that it gets swept away from our natures.

Dr Edward Bach

He felt that patients should analyze their own lives to find the causes of their illnesses, as he believed that these were the result of emotional and spiritual problems.

The spiritual origin of diseases can come from the human being's own defects: pride, cruelty, hatred, selfishness, ignorance, mental instability, greed and gluttony. The ways and attitudes to regain balance and freedom – and, consequently, also health – are the cultivation of peace, hope, joy, faith, certainty and wisdom.

the floral not Γ© a remedy, but will take care of the emotional cause that caused an illness to develop. Floral treatment works mainly on subtle, emotional and spiritual levels. It is always important to remember that floral remedies do not, under any circumstances, replace proper medical diagnosis and treatment. Nothing prevents floral remedies from being used with other medicines, both allopathic and homeopathic, as they have no influence on them.

Upon completing his research, Dr. Bach divided the florals into sete categories, determined by the similarities between emotional states to be treated, thus facilitating the choice of essences:

  1. For the Afraid: Rock Rose; Mimulus; Cherry Plum; Aspen; Red Chestnut.
  2. For the undecided: Cerato; Scleranthus; Gentian; Gorse; Hornbeam; Wild Oat.
  3. For those who suffer from a lack of interest in current circumstances: Clematis; Honeysuckle; Wild Rose; olive; White Chestnut; Mustard; Chestnut Bud.
  4. For those who suffer from loneliness: Water Violet; Impatiens; Heather.
  5. For those who care too much about others: Chicory: Vervain; Vine; Beech; Rock Water (the only essence that does not come from flowers, it is pure water).
  6. For those who are sensitive to outside influences and opinions: Agrimony; Centaury; Walnut; Holly.
  7. For those suffering from despondency and despair: Larch; Pine; Elm; Sweet Chestnut; Star of Bethlehem; Willow; Oak; Crab Apple.

There is still a special floral, Rescue Remedy, composed of several essences and that should be used in emergency situations.

Florals can be combined with each other in order to take care of all kinds of The seven categories of the Bach Flower Remedy Systemproblem, according to the needs of each individual. For this reason, it is also important to have the guidance of a holistic professional, to better adapt the essences to the problem or difficulty of the person.

Flowers and Astrology

Florals can also be used taking into account the sign of the person. Astrologers rely on the study of the birth chart to prescribe flower remedies. 

Astrologer Peter Damian recognizes the characteristics of the twelve astrological signs identical to Bach's "Twelve Healing Essences". For this, he listed a floral for each sign, taking into account what each of them should seek to develop in order to reach the balance:

Aries - Impatiens 
Bull - Gentian 
Twins - Cerato 
Cancer - Clematis 
Lion - Vervain 
Virgin - centaury 
Pound - Scleranthus 
Scorpion - Chicory 
Sagittarius – Agrimony 
Capricorn – Mimulus 
Aquarium - Water Violet 
Fish - Rock Rose 

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