The power of words

The energy of each word emitted has a great power of realization. Words are like mantras, and thought materializes the word. What you think and talk constantly in your daily life, about people or yourself, directly influence the reality you live.

Have you noticed that when you think positive and start to believe that something will work out, in the end it always does? And in the same way, when something starts wrong, everything ends up going wrong too. It is important to always observe what you are saying and thinking.

If you almost always say that you are unlucky, that you don't like the job, that money is running out, that will continue to be the case. If you make it true in your thoughts, they will be true in real life too.

Despite the reality of some things that we have no power to change, the power of your thinking can change the way you look at these problems. You are in control of your thoughts and you can choose what you think and feel.

The power of words

If something bad happens in your life and you feel down, try an experiment: put on sad music, watch sad things on TV, and watch that you're only going to get worse and worse. Now, think if you put on some lively music, go out to dinner with some friends, play a sport, get distracted. That problem that seemed so big will become so small that you will have much more maturity to think of a solution. Never feed your imagination with negative thinking.

To change a situation choose positive energies, always use the verb in the present tense because the power of change is in the now. After doing this you will see how everything will be more peaceful and comfortable.

Everything that is spoken is a portal that opens to the realization of what you want. Thoughts expressed in words, when repeated and mentalized by yourself, end up coming true and calming your mind. Try it and see the difference!

  • Written by Marcela Cappato of the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team.
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