The Perfect Balance of Creation

    There is nothing in our Universe, and in the many still unknown to us, as well as all energetic and vibrational realities and dimensions, that is not interconnected and in full balance. This includes chaos as well.

    A lot has been happening all over the world, many people are increasingly feeling different from each other, more sensitive, moving from places that used to be frequent, changing social groups, jobs, opinions, beliefs and prejudices. These last three are the ones that cause the greatest difficulty in accepting and learning, because we have these three in us, whether we want to accept it or not.

    In today's column, I want to bring a text that I read and I know that everyone, or almost everyone, will fit in this reading.

    The text is inspired by the quote by Carl Sagan, which says:


    "I don't want to believe it, I want to know."

    And now I reproduce, in full, the text of @sagradouniverso, authored by @karosique – both Instagram profiles.

    “In this incessant search for the new, the experiences are happening, and my soul, more convinced that the 'phenomenon' is real.

    The Perfect Balance of Creation
    Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

    That all this is a theater well designed by higher consciousnesses, to 'take' the human being to the top, but to the top of unconditional love.

    Fear exists, and I go with it, because I allow myself to feel it with my whole body and I know that I'm not alone on this journey either.

    Respect and prudence go hand in hand in the process, but I need to know, and for that, I will be tested in every way.

    Beliefs will be finalized, as will people who are not on the same quest as me, but that's okay, because up front someone waits for me."

    The text connects us with our daily, fast-paced, semi-automatic, in which we act almost like robots, until the moment when our CONSCIOUS SELF wakes up and says: “Oops! This is real! ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Is happening!". Is it not so with you?

    More and more, we are looking for more and more empathy. More love, but we still have the limitation that love begins in the other and not in oneself (referring to self-love and being). And this is the big one, the gigantic master key that turns and opens all the doors of life.

    The text talks about fear and facing it, but people are exhausted, scared, afraid and asking for help. Therefore, it is essential to regularize it is normal to do therapy, in the same way as it is normal and vital to drink water!

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    Therapy is also vital for life, for our well-being and mental health – whether conventional therapy with a doctor and medications, or alternative therapies with holistic, integrative, multifunctional, stellar, three-dimensional therapists…

    Jokes aside, but they create so many names and acronyms that instead of helping it generates even more doubts, right? It is almost the same as in the homosexual community, where every day a new letter of some denomination is born. And all this for what?

    Because of the need that society still has that everyone has to fit into some pattern or place. But will it really have?

    Can't everyone just be unique?

    And really, in the part where she says she's not alone on the walk, she really isn't. I'm walking with her, just like you are, but each one on their own path and at their own pace, but all following the great journey of life in search of unconditional love, which is born first of self-love - and it's really not selfish. put yourself first. It's love!

    And, of all this short text, the ending was the one I liked the most, in which she says that “it will be tested in every way”.

    The Perfect Balance of Creation
    Kristina Nor / Pexels

    And I say we are tested daily, relentlessly, to be better for ourselves first, and for others next. And, consequently, to the world and beyond.

    We are all one and we are all in sync.

    Big brotherly hug.

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