The navel is a vortex of energy

    Beloved! Incarnated human beings begin the great process of expanding consciousness. As the veils are lifted, innate knowledge arises in the same proportion. We are at the end of the Planetary Transition, an event that will take part of humanity to a higher level of consciousness, which we can also call ascension.

    Planet Earth will raise its vibration - which was previously Third Dimensional in its Crust and Fourth Dimensional in its Astral - to a minimum level of Fifth Dimension. Spirits able to inherit this New Earth naturally must be vibrating energetically at 5D levels. In the course of the first centuries from now, all the energy existing on Earth will be able to vary within 5 dimensional bands: between the Fifth and Ninth Dimensions.

    The Event in which the definitive and permanent transition of our Planet and its humanity to 5D will culminate is very close, even if this Transition takes around 300 years. We are already in the last few years and everything is accelerating now. Human consciousness is the last remnant of the still three-dimensional vibrations. This is why not all Spirits in human form are ready for ascension.

    To ascend, Spirit must be in the same vibration as the New Earth. Otherwise, the polarities will not match. What provides this compatibility is the degree of awareness of each one. The highest degree of consciousness is based on the ethical and moral conditions of the human being, which, in turn, is based on three basic pillars: unconditional love, compassion and respect for everything and everyone.

    Everything is energy! What we see with our physical eyes are the material forms of the multiple possibilities that the grossest energies can form. But this is just an optical illusion, for the true energy and reality of all there is cannot be seen with these carnal eyes. But we are already beginning to feel and understand that the limits are now widening rapidly.

    Quantum physics explains it very well—at least for those who are more rational and less empathetic—because it can either be understood scientifically or just felt.

    The fact is that now, with the awakening of consciences, everything starts to make sense. It is not necessary so much study and so much knowledge, because feeling does not come through words.

    The navel is a vortex of energy
    Natalie / Pexels

    Of course, the more knowledge, the more we can understand what we feel. Like a baby who learns everything over the first few years, we are now at ground zero. Humanity is reborn as the NEW HUMAN and needs to quickly learn everything it didn't know before, because the Earth will no longer be the same. The Old Earth also died to make way for a New Planetary House. The Old Man is also dying for the New Human to emerge.

    Never has there been so much talk about energies and vibrations. But all there has always been energy, even if now that energy changes your vibration. Planets, Stars and Galaxies are energies accumulated over millennia. There is no stagnant energy; she is always on the move. Everything moves and, therefore, everything changes over time.

    The human body is the clothing of the Spirits that occupy the Earth as their abode, formed from a solid carbon base, corresponding to the energies of the Third Dimension. Every kind of matter existing on Earth was consolidated in its various forms, always on a carbon base, as it was the three-dimensional energy that the Earth received through our Portal of Light, that is, our Sun.

    Everything is constantly moving and our Solar System has entered a space of the Galaxy where vibrations and the strongest Light produce an energy of vibration between the Fifth and Ninth Dimensions. Naturally, the carbon base breaks down and acquires a more subtle, lighter, more crystalline base.

    The navel is a vortex of energy
    Xavier Manure Day / Pexels

    We have already said here that the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms make this shift naturally, as everything is energy and energy comes from the Light. The hominal, on the other hand, has its own consciousness, and this differs a little in this adaptation. Human consciousness is mainly formed by beliefs, the thinking mind and the characteristic feelings of people, so it takes a little longer to adapt. It takes some effort as beliefs need to be changed. And there is still the Spirit, which is really what we can call essence, because it was he who always survived in the course of successive incarnations.

    What maintains life and energies in everything on Earth are the vortices, which make this energy circulate. In the form of a double spiral, that is, compared to two turned funnels, they constantly receive and emanate the necessary energies. They are called CHAKRAS. Everything has chakras, even an object. On a Planetary level, they are called Portals.

    In the human being, there are 7 main chakras. Each has its function. I'm not going to stick to this particularity so as not to go on too long. Those who are Reikiano understand the subject well.

    Among the seven main ones, we have the Third Chakra, also called the Solar Plexus, which is located just above the navel.

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    It is through the Solar Plexus that we receive almost all the energy we need. And it is through it that harmful energies also enter, because a chakra is also a Portal, or a gate, to understand better. It's obvious even to a beginner. When the baby is in the mother's womb, it receives all the energy it needs for its development through the umbilical cord. This cord connects the vortex (Chakra) of the mother to that of the baby. Only when this cord is cut does the child need to feed, breathe and receive energy independently of the mother.

    We forget past lives; we forget who we are, but the navel shows in a materialized way that we were connected to an umbilical cord that not only united with the mother, but with the SOURCE. Even cutting this cord, we are energetically connected with the mother, with the SOURCE and with everything in the infinite universes. (See the shape of the navel: a spiral-shaped funnel leading inward.)

    The Solar Plexus Chakra connects our body to the Sun, the Earth's energy source. It connects to higher and lower energies as well, as it is a portal that never closes. This Chakra is not only in the physical body; it is automatically connected to all the other bodies that make up our TOTAL SELF.

    It is important to understand that we can help ourselves a lot when we learn to master energies. We can now perform the same “miracles” attributed to Christ Jesus. They are not really miracles; it's just understanding how we can use energies to get what we need. And this is going to be easier to understand every day. All who widen their consciousness can now begin to work miracles.

    The navel is a vortex of energy
    Gerhard Lipold / Pexels

    You may! Today I will teach you how to lead energies through the Solar Plexus. When feeling any indisposition; any discomfort; primarily physical or emotional; and especially when you feel that there are low energies disturbing you, stop for a moment, close your eyes, imagine your belly button and stomach region rotating counterclockwise. Visualize a color, mainly white or violet, and make it enter through there. Send to the whole body as you breathe in. As you exhale, release the energies that cause discomfort. After a few minutes, start imagining golden light, which is the natural color of this chakra. Do the same movement for a few more minutes.

    Relief is immediate. Even if you don't succeed in the first few attempts, always practice. Over time, you will learn to master and work the energies in all Chakras and in all parts of the body. That's what "heal yourself" is. Of course there's a lot more, but let's start with this. I already spoke the other day about the importance of breathing. Today, I'm leaving here another practice that will help those who want to help themselves.

    I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!


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