The message of Jesus Christ

“Jesus: You say I am a king. In fact, for this reason I was born and for this I came into the world: to bear witness to the truth…

Pilate: What is truth?…”

John 18; 37,38.

Since I was a child, I have always been very questioning. I grew up in a Catholic family on my mother's side. I was baptized, made my first communion, confirmed, as a teenager I attended prayer groups, read biblical texts at Masses, but something in me intrigued me, I did not understand the things preached in Masses, I even questioned other people, asking what a message would be like. of God those things spoken in the masses, if the messages are the same yearly. For example (I like to explain things with examples): if I keep this mass leaflet on that date, next year it will be the same message, and I won't even need a new leaflet. People kept looking at me without understanding. I've always been weird to most people.

As an adult, I began to question the existence of Jesus, Mary, biblical characters, and the Bible itself. Those stories made no sense to me.

The message of Jesus Christ
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels

I attended other Christian doctrines, but things became more and more meaningless, or actually clearer!

I stopped and thought: to take what is written in the Bible literally is madness, since it was created by men and all religions are created by men for their private benefit, and not as something spiritual in fact. I saw the pastors in a zero car, while the faithful tithes went on foot to the house of Jesus. Just like Rome, full of treasures, and most of the population in difficult financial conditions. This all intrigued me. Example: what do you mean a distant, judgmental and condemning God? If He is love, does love condemn? That doesn't make any sense.

I am grateful for this awakening of consciousness, because it was there that I began my self-knowledge.

I started to demystify all the beliefs imposed by the culture of Western society about religiosity. It became clear to me that religion is something with hypnosis. The faithful are mesmerized by the idea of ​​a distant God, a Savior, and a virgin who gave birth to a Savior of mankind. Whoever created this hypnosis session was really crazy. It's even crazier to believe it!

The message of Jesus Christ
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels

Even because the word “believe” refers to something finished, and we human beings are always evolving, we are not finished products.

I came to the conclusion that I am God, I save myself and I condemn myself, I give birth to new ideas, creations. I am the creation I create. I and all of us are co-creators. We are God in action.

The message of Jesus Christ speaks of the importance of watching our thoughts, words and actions. We have to maintain a high vibration, geared towards the emotions of the high places. Hence the importance of being aware in the present through meditations (prayers, as the Bible refers).

Man, to domesticate the masses, used Jesus as a preaching of hell, heaven, sin, starting to use the vibrational emotion of fear to dominate closed minds.

But once we want to know the truth, it will always follow us and sometimes even put us on difficult paths, to learn lessons and get back on the right path. For indeed “there is only one way that leads to the Father's house”, which is the union of you ego/matter with you spirit. It is the union with the whole. For you are living in a dimension now, but you are part of everything, you are God.

You ego/matter/body/physical and you spirit (and you were baptized with the Holy Ghost, why! I am spirit, how come I was baptized?) have to be in communion.

We were born to have a human experience here on Earth. We came to experience the abundance of earthly nature.

One way to know if you are really alive, or just existing, is to ask yourself sincerely, giving an idea that you have died and that you get to heaven and have an encounter with God. Then he asks if you liked the gift he gave you: life.

A positive answer will lead you to paradise.

You can be in paradise anytime.

Whenever you are aware in the present, you are in paradise.

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You don't have to wait to die physically to make the choice between heaven and hell. You will not go to heaven when you die, because you will see that you are immortal because you are God.



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