The importance of rest for the heart

    Who has never jumped into a work routine to achieve new material goods, especially for the good of the family? Two or three jobs, freelancers, odd jobs, hours and more overtime are nothing new to anyone. And the truth is that many have no choice, after all, the crisis is a justification for increasing the competitiveness of the available labor and, consequently, lowering the value of wages. That is, what was once extra work for a trip, a new car or something else, now becomes essential to close the accounts at the end of the month.

    Without many options, those responsible for the families undergo exhausting work and support those who are dependent on them. “I am tired”, “I need to rest” and “I would like to go on vacation” are phrases uttered more and more frequently, but which always end up being postponed, being only supplied on weekends when the person spends Saturday and Sunday sleeping. Leisure is replaced by rest and life continues to be played, but exhaustion is accumulating and the bill will be charged very soon.

    The importance of rest for the heart

    Humans are required to act like machines, to be perfect, not to make mistakes and also not need rest. Fortunately – or unfortunately – depending on the point of view, this is not the case; in fact, it is very far from it. At some point, we need to apply the handbrake because otherwise the handbrake will be applied against our will. Nervous attacks, stress, fainting, depression and other symptoms are reflections that maybe something is wrong in our routines.

    It's not easy to have bills to pay and need to plan to stop working and earn less money, to spend with more control or incur more debt. As an old saying goes, spending on us is the only way to lose money and get richer. Each one has the ability to identify how close or far they are from their own limit. If you have noticed that things are not going smoothly and you cannot travel or something more complex, be sure to see friends and seek activities that take you away from the exhausting routine.

    Nervous, stress and depression are consequences of problems with the mind, so they can be properly treated, medicated and even cured. The same is not true of the heart. People, including young people, suffer from cardiac arrests that often become fatal, with no chance of treatment. In addition to leading a healthy life, preferably with a balanced diet and physical exercise, rest and relaxation are also essential for an “iron heart”.

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