The Importance of Mauna

Mauna, a Sanskrit word of only five letters, but with a very deep meaning. Mauna means silence, but not just in the sense of not speaking.

When we want to “enter Mauna”, we are referring to doing the verbal fast and the thought fast, getting closer and closer to our essence.

Not talking may seem easy, but what about not thinking? Can you silence your mind?

The Importance of Mauna

In yoga practices, it is common to leave a few minutes for meditative practice, which leads us to this state of total silence. Experiencing this fast from noise helps us to perceive different senses, increases concentration and promotes peace.

This is a very simple practice to perform, even without anyone to instruct you. Try sitting in a very comfortable position, preferably in an environment without much noise or visual stimuli, and just silence... it's common that in the first few minutes our mind distracts us, but it's up to you to let thoughts come and go. Gradually, without realizing it, you will be in Mauna.

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This simple practice brings countless results to our life, because by silencing, we learn to listen, to focus on what really matters and especially to calm the heart.

Keeping silent is a great way to find solutions to those problems that we think are impossible to solve. But how in verbal and mental silence am I going to find an answer or solution? In Mauna, we meet with what is most important: our SELF.


The Importance of Mauna

As incredible as it may seem, we truly know ourselves when we stop everything, silence and focus on perceiving the various sensations and feelings that inhabit us. We discover the reason for our fears, pain and uncertainties. After this incredible discovery (which becomes almost daily), everything becomes simpler, solutions seem to jump in front of us and a courage wells up in our chests, preparing us to silently face any and all situations.

Staying in Mauna does not separate us from people, on the contrary, it teaches us to respect each being in its individuality and grandeur.

I wish you good minutes of silence and a great meeting with your SELF.

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