The energy that is in your Aura is powerful

    We all have a physical body and a spiritual body, which some define as a light body, energy field, aura, psychosoma or perispirit. This energy field can reach up to one meter in diameter and is basically related to thoughts, feelings and emotions.

    It is obvious that negative energy is not good, however, it is important to know that too much positive energy is also harmful, as it causes anxiety, lack of control, excessive talking, excessive agitation, etc.

    Every time we are within a meter of someone, our energies meet, on a crowded train, for example, passengers are exchanging energy and that is why some experts say that after two people meet they are no longer the same.

    Aura cleansing recipe

    Rue and coarse salt are foods that can also help cleanse your aura. Take a rue leaf and pass it all over your body, focusing on positive thoughts, for two minutes, then you need to discard the leaf, as it has spent all its energy to absorb the negative energies of your body. Coarse salt works best diluted in water: put 2 to 3 tablespoons in a liter of water, pour into a basin, stand in the basin and elevate your thoughts, good music can help.

    The energy that is in your Aura is powerfulCleaning the aura is just as important as our personal hygiene and there are many ways to do it, with rest, meditation, music and reading being the simplest ways. It is necessary to work on self-knowledge to better manage the energy we are absorbing, so when we are loaded with negative energy we are able to identify and eliminate it.

    Whether it's lighting incense, controlling your breath, saying a prayer, or whatever makes you feel better, it's important from time to time to take time to take care of your spiritual energy, it balances your body and mind.

    β€’ Article written by Carolina Peixoto from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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