The energy exchanged in sex

The energy exchanged in sex

Target of repression and taboos, sex is a physical activity that can provide a series of benefits. Among them, we can list the improvement of cardiovascular health, the reduction of blood pressure, the fight against stress and the relief of some pain. In addition to, of course, bringing a sense of pleasure and well-being.

However, sex can also have negative consequences, especially from an energetic point of view. To learn more about this approach, pay attention to the content we prepared on the subject. Surprise yourself with the revelations to better relate to other people!

Sexual energy is sacred

In a sexist and heteronormative society, sex is interpreted in different ways according to the gender to which it is associated. Sex for men, for example, is a source of pride, a symbol of virility. For women, however, sex is a source of shame and guilt and should only be used for reproduction.

What neither of these two perspectives considers is that sexual energy is life energy. This is because it is from sex that a new life is formed, being an essential activity for human existence. So why should this exercise be synonymous with guilt, shame, or something unclean?

In fact, sexual energy is sacred. It is from there that a person can better connect with who they are, with their own desires and with their own pleasure. When done with another individual, sex can create a deep and heartfelt connection, even if it is not loving. After all, this activity can also be a moment of relaxation.

Therefore, sex helps us to deepen our self-knowledge, to relate intimately with other people and to meet the most primitive desires of our bodies. These characteristics show that the practice is fundamental for our spiritual development, because it helps us to understand who we are in the relationship with ourselves and with others.

The energy exchange in sex is powerful

Despite the positive aura that sexual energy carries, the sexual act itself is not always beneficial. This is because, in the intimate contact between two bodies, the vibrations that each individual carries are exchanged intensely and very easily. These exchanges happen through the chakras, which are energy centers scattered throughout our bodies.

As a consequence of this process, a person who is having sex comes into contact with the energy field of another and vice versa. So, if one of them has the chakras out of alignment, indicating an imbalance in the flow of energies, the second person will receive this type of vibration, and may misalign the chakras themselves.

It is possible to perceive whether the exchanges that occur in sex are positive or negative according to their emotional state after the activity. Do you feel light, happy, at peace? If so, the energies that the individual provided you were positive. But if you feel stress, burnout, and loneliness, you've probably come into contact with an unbalanced energy field.

An unbalanced energy field is not only bad for the person in it, but also for those who connect with it through sex. The reason for this is that the individual's negative vibrations will remain in the other's field longer than that of sexual activity and can compromise a person's connection with himself.

So if you feel like a person doesn't have the same vibe as you, they're probably not going to bring you good energy at the time of sex. And you don't have to know her long to see that. Next, you'll learn tips to balance sex and spirituality without repressing your desires!

Finding the balance between sex and spirituality

If you want to preserve the balance of your energy field during sex, there are some tips that will help you do that. They apply to both single people and committed people who want to take care of themselves and others. Check out!

1) Stop consuming pornography

Pornography offers a perverted performance about sex. Sometimes the representations are aggressive, violent and disrespectful. Therefore, if a person believes that sex should follow these images, he will hardly connect positively with another individual, respecting his limits and desires. As a consequence of that,

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2) Heal your energy field

If you want to connect with people who have a balanced energy field, it is critical that you balance your energy field. For this, make a constant analysis of how you are feeling and what you seek when relating to other people and deepen your self-knowledge. That way you won't take bad feelings to others.

3) Connect with those who are good for you

When choosing the person you are going to be sexually involved with, pay attention to their energies. How do you feel with this person? Does it bring you a positive vibe? Or is there something about her that doesn't do you any good? It is critical to note these points because they will help you identify who can keep your energy field balanced rather than harming it.

From each information presented, you already know that sex is a pleasurable and very energetic activity. So it is essential to pay attention to the tips that we point out to ensure that this exercise brings you only good vibes. Connect deeply with people who improve your well-being!

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