The Chakras and Their Uses in Turbulent Times

    The Chakras, a word with origin in Sanskrit, means wheel, for a simple understanding, they are vortices that perform a turning movement.

    There are more than 500 chakras in the human body, they are subtle energy elements that perform the work of receiving and emitting beneficial energies for the proper functioning of the physical, energetic and spiritual part.

    The Chakras, these energy vortices, are very sensitive and, if not taken care of, they become accelerated, slow or blocked, generating discomfort and countless difficulties in various sectors of human life.

    In general terms, I will mention which sector each Chakra represents, with its functioning in Balance.

    The first generates the strength to live, well-being and abundance; the second refers to how I feel and relate to people and the world around me, sexuality and fertility and how they become empowering beliefs or not; the third works on self-esteem, action and achievement; the fourth chakra, feelings and emotions, starting with self-love and limits; the fifth influences the communication of how you present yourself to the world and the results of your communication; the sixth aspects of deciding and perceiving sensitive intuitions and contacts; the seventh denotes our relationship and living with our inner treasures and connection and connection with the Universe and the Creator.

    The Chakras and Their Uses in Turbulent Times
    David Monk / Unsplash

    We can already see that if we could always have the Chakras taken care of, we would have several benefits in our favor, more disposition and physical health, good relationships and good communication, balanced sexuality, prosperity and abundance, attention and success in our projects and communication and an extraordinary balance between physical, mental and spiritual body.

    Would anyone like to live this reality? In my last years of therapeutic care as a naturopath, integrative and holistic therapist and specialized in the use of Crystals (Crystal Therapy), the approach through the analysis of the Chakras has been growing, notorious and with transforming results.

    Above, I have described in general terms what the Chakras are and their benefits if they are aligned, now I will describe how simple it is in the daily life of our modern life to destabilize them, that it is possible to take care of them and how it can be used even with our lifestyle " modern” and be transformative.

    The person who has a fast-paced day in their daily lives with great demands and goals, bosses, companies, employees under or under their command.

    Family, bills, commitments, goals, status, high degree of consumerism and little time for contact with nature.

    Habits with excessive alcohol, smoking, drugs, polluted environment, competition and appearances.

    The Chakras and Their Uses in Turbulent Times

    Unregulated food, without time, without quality, without life.

    Instant and disposable relationships, need for companionship and approval.

    Submission, control, violence and explosion.

    Fear, anger, rancor, addiction, compulsion, revenge.

    Among other routines that we know in the world we live in… Do you know anyone in this state or are you in it? All this is destructive, no need to talk about it. The fact is that each of these routines blocks and distorts the Chakras, their functions, their benefits.

    Self-knowledge, a word that is increasingly exposed and cited in various media and groups. It describes exactly where the process of healing and caring for the Chakras begins and consequently of a lighter and happier path for your life.

    The title of this article, The Chakras and their uses in turbulent times, is intended to bring out this information, opportunity and invitation.

    First step decide and believe, you are capable of having a different and better life than the one you have today. Second, seek help from a professional and learn to recognize your weaknesses and instabilities, and through self-knowledge, study of each Chakra and practice of exercises it is possible for you to transform your interior and your world. And with this process, setbacks and relapses can occur, but you will never be the same again.

    The Chakras and Their Uses in Turbulent Times
    Tim Marshall / Unsplash

    Other titles could be Chakras and the pandemic, Chakras and immunity, Chakras and toxic relationships, and so on. And in all of them I would repeat that the processes of self-knowledge and internal changes are essential and fundamental for the Journey of Healing and Life Transformation.

    Don't try or don't delude yourself, wanting to skip steps and feel full or full and able to direct or change your life with doses of knowledge or palliative care, or as if there were packages of boxes or capsules of health or happiness. Therefore, my affirmation and indication of a complete treatment that goes through each Chakra, each sector of your life and each age period.

    And I explain with arguments from Naturopathy, that we do not focus on the treatment of the disease, but on the knowledge and treatment of the causes. We don't just seek to strengthen immunity, but what brings you fatigue or low immunity, we don't change its essence, but we cut it, and with self-knowledge and expansion of consciousness this is possible.

    • What are chakras?
    • The crystal of each chakra
    • Learn to balance your chakras throughout the day

    I created the Life Transformation System, through the 7 Chakras with crystals@, the name I gave to the treatment that I go through sectors of the attended, through each referring Chakra, from 1 to 7. And also the Course that I carry out 2 times a year called Crystals Course and Journey of Self-knowledge. Where we study, practice, care for, treat the being as a whole (holistically) and as a special and unique being.

    Willing to cross the line from the superficiality of “knowing and talking” of Chakras and really taking a deep dive into their interior, light and shadow and infinite possibilities for transformation and healing. A Lapidary for Life?

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