the cause of the disease

the cause of the disease

From a spiritual perspective, illness is a result of imbalance. The imbalance results from you forgetting who you are as a spiritual individual. As a result, forgetting one's own identity creates thoughts and addictions (mental and spiritual) that lead to an unhealthy life and the wear and tear of the perispirit, generating physical diseases.

The perispirit is a semi-material envelope, also known as the fluidic body, responsible for the union and exchange between the spirit and the physical body. The accumulation of negative energies emanating from thoughts or unruly behavior, powerfully affect the perispirit, generating fluid intoxication. In this phase of bombardment of harmful energies to the perispirit, the physical body can still present itself in excellent conditions, without any indicators or manifestations of a possible disease. However, when the individual persists in nourishing himself with thoughts and inclinations of a lower order, this charge of negative energy located in the perispiritual body descends to the physical organism, creating an energetic field conducive to the manifestation of diseases that affect, mainly, the vital centers (the chakras).

Each of the body's chakras is paired with an endocrine gland that is responsible for balancing a particular region of the physical body. See below for each of the chakras, their corresponding gland and their function:

Chakra da raiz

Reproductive glands (testicles in men; ovaries in women); responsible for capturing telluric energy and connection with reality; controls sexual development and secretes sex hormones.

Chakra sacral

Adrenal glands; regulates the immune system and is responsible for energizing the sexual organs.

Solar Plexus Chakra

pancreas; regulates metabolism and is responsible for energizing the digestive system.

heart chakra

Thymus; regulates the immune system and is responsible for energizing the cardiorespiratory system.

Chakra da throat

Thyroid gland; regulates body temperature and metabolism; responsible for the throat, mouth and respiratory organs.

Third eye chakra

pituitary gland; produces hormones and governs the function of the five anterior glands.

crown chakra

Pineal gland; regulates biological cycles, including sleep, and is responsible for the brain's energy supply.

We can observe that the entire physical body is a reflection of the perispiritual body. Thus, the balance keeps all vital centers in harmonious functioning, preventing the formation of diseases in the organs that correspond to mental deviations.

On the other hand, lower level feelings, emotions, thoughts and tendencies generate a great impact on the perispirit, which is reflected in the physical body, generating the most varied diseases.

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  • What do chakras say about your health?
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Illness is synonymous with healing for those who know how to absorb this learning and seek restoration and self-knowledge. Perhaps you have already activated the mechanism that will, sooner or later, manifest an illness in your life.

Take advantage of this insight into the origin of illness to take better care of your spirit. Meditate, read, delve into the knowledge of your individuality to bring out the true identity of your soul. Only then will you break all the toxic patterns that lead you to suffering.

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