The benefits of Mantras

    Mantra is defined as an instrument of thought that aims to relax and induce practitioners into a meditative state through speech or hearing. The Hindu and Buddhist hymn is said over and over again to have a positive effect.

    Practical tips:

    The number 108 is considered reasonable for mantra repetitions, and when it is monosyllabic it can be practiced for 20 minutes. There are also practices such as purashcharana, in which 2.400.000 repetitions are performed daily, until reaching 24 after seven years. Totaling one hundred thousand repetitions for each of the XNUMX syllables of the mantra. 

    There are three ways to do the mantra: mentally, muttering or out loud. It is advisable that in case you do not lose concentration during the process.

    The benefits of Mantras

    The benefits of Mantra:

    • It helps to control worries, fears and anxieties.
    • Increases concentration and attention.
    • Improves mental and physical health.
    • Increases vital energy.
    • Creates more harmony in socializing with other people.
    • Accelerates spiritual revelation.
    • It revitalizes the heart.
    • Breathing becomes continuous
    • It expels all residual air from the lungs, as a consequence the inhalation becomes deeper.
    • Relaxation of the respiratory muscles.
    • It activates the production of substances such as “serotonin” and “endorphins”, which continuously increase the feeling of existential satisfaction.
    • Noticeable increase in concentration and memory capacity.
    • It induces emotional stability.
    • Increases immunity.
    • Relieves syndromes.
    • Accelerates the brain's processing capacity.
    • Reduces the risk of heart disease.

    Text written by Natália Nocelli from the Eu Sem Fronteiras Team

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